
Any full time students here who are also single parents?

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If so were you entitled to tax credits?

I'm going to Uni in spetember to start a 3 year nursing diploma

Although I'm entitled to a bursary i'm not sure if this is classed as an income




  1. Yes, and yes you are

    They dont take your bursary into account, it is not classed as income. However you wont get Working Tax Credit, just Child Tax Credits.

    You are also exempt from council tax all the time you are a student.

  2. Get on the phone to tax credits hinny they will tell you what your entitled to.

  3. HI i am studying a full time course on-line i am not sure if this counts.  I am a single mum to 6,4,3,12 week old and i work fri nights and sat sun mornings my hands are pretty full.  I get child tax credits for the children but i am not working over 16 hours to get working tax credit sorry i cant  help you a bit more hope your course goes well for you

    just to add you have to be workin over 16 hours to get working tax credit as for the grants and bursuary to count as income i dont know but i was accepted for them as i receive income support i think you should ask tax credits

  4. If tou are responsible for the children, you will be entitled to child tax credits provided your income is below approximately £58,000.  Your bursary is not taken into account as taxable income for tax credit purposes.  If you are in paid work for 16 hours per week or more, you may also be entitled to working tax credits.  

    You can call tax credits on 0845 300 3900 for further advice. They are open 7 days per week from 8am - 8pm.  You can also find further information at the official website below:

    Hope this helps and good luck with your studies!

  5. Don't you have to be working 16 hours or more to get tax credits

  6. If tax credits are too busy to talk to you there should be a student support service at your uni who can help you.

    I am pretty sure you are entitled, I will check with single women on my course who have kids, and see what they claim - they get bursaries too - even if it is an income though it will be well below the threshold so you may be entitled to the full amount of tax credits.

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