
Any funny Ambien Amnesia stories? 10 points if you can top mine!?

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I LOVE me some Ambien, but I have to take it RIGHT before I go to bed or I do weird things like eat entire pizzas or huge bowls of rice, scrub sinks, toilets & floors, The funniest was when I took it while waiting at bagclaim at the airport, My husband went to get the car & pick me up in front. I got my luggage & passed out on a bench, had no clue what I was doing. 30 minutes later my husband, after driving around the airport several times, had me paged, came in & roamed the airport, going into womens bathrooms & calling my name out, he finally had to get the airport police to help him look for me, they found me.

Oh & My husband took it a few times, I caught him watching p**n & made him go back to bed. The next day he had no clue what I was talking about when I told him. I laughed so hard: "You finally watch p**n & you don't even remember it!" =o)




  1. my ambien story is that my boyfriend took like three one night and i didnt know. he had initially fallen asleep, and then woke up about an hour and a half later. from there we had the most insanely wonderful sensitive romantic lovemaking of our then 7 year relationship. the next morning i was feeling all happy and huggy about it and told him what a wonderful thoughtful lover he had been the night before. he grabbed my shoulders and looked at me straight in the face and said 'what'. he didnt remember a thing. i thought it was funny as h**l, he didnt think it was funny at all and never took them again.

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