
Any funny poker stories?

by  |  earlier

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I was the chip leader early in a small sng, and I had K8. Usually, I'm the table rock, so most people won't stay in when I'm calling or raising. the 2nd biggest stack raises, I call from the BB. the flop comes down A68. I decide to fool around since this guy is an aggressive bluffer. He bets, I check raise. The turn comes another 8, giving me trips. I check-raise again, this time tripling the raise amount. On the flop comes the 4th eight. Now I'm thinking, I sent pretty clear signals I had an eight, there's no possible way I can get more money out of this guy, so I check again. The dude goes all in! I pause until the end of time for dramatic purposes, and call. The other guy flips over absolutely nothing, no pair, nada.




  1. like 3 years ago me and my neighbors would play poker beting on cookies and chips

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