
Any funny stories you like to tell me and also others?

by  |  earlier

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Well this is my sister, and when she was like 7 she cant wait to get to the toilet...and it was in the elevator ...then i told her to wait a moment cause we are near there then i looked at what floor we were on..after that i heard those shhhh those noise like you pee so i looked down and she was covering her hands on her *** and i was like OMG. the other people laughed




  1. I was visiting a cousin out of state and I was letting some panties soak in the wash basin in my bathroom.We were all sitting in the living room with my uncle and some of his friends and out walked my cousins two year old with my wet panties. Wow, talk about embarrassing.

  2. I was babysitting a little 6 y/o girl a few years ago , and she kept telling me her " pee pee hurts " and after asking her a bunch of times why it hurt , if she had falling on it etc , and the answer was always no to every thing i asked , i decided to look and see what was  wrong . i pulled down there pants , and she had , had a maxi pad on sticky side up .... I don't think i ever laughed so hard in my life as i told my friend what her daughter had done that day ....

  3. when i was really young i was at the super market and i really had to go but i absolutley refused to use the toilets there so i went to isle that was the most deserted and i peed my pants after that some one came walking into the isle and i ran out i spent a full hour running around the store finally my sister caught up with me and i smelled awful i can never seem to live that story down

  4. haha those are so funny, kids do the cutest things.

    I was staying with my aunty 2 years ago and we were having lunch, their table has benches not chairs so the kids dont fall and my aunty had been folding washing. I was sitting next to my cousin and on the other side was all the washing.

    when he had finished he said "daddy can i leave the table" (he was 3 mind you) and my uncle told him that he wasnt to walk over his mums washing so he was to go under the table and go to his room and play.

    then we all started talking and thought my cousin was being very quiet, about 15 minutes later we hear an innocent voice from under the table... "but... daddy.... this isnt my bed room" llols we laughed. we now found out he is autistic and you have to explain things very clearly to him but he is so cute.

  5. That is so funny, it makes me feel better. We were shopping and my daughter, around 2 at the time, she was potty training and doing great so she said she needed to potty and she did right on the chip isle.. I wanted to run and hide. Instead I went to the clothing isle and got her some clothes to change into but I had to explain to lady when we checked out why we were paying for clothes that weren't on the tags.. It turned out okay.

    Last night my other daughter, she's 9, she floored us.  We were getting ready for bed and she was hungry so I am bathing and she comes in and asks if she can cook some frozen veggies. I tell her sure go ahead and put the whole bag in for us.  So I get out and get P.J.'s on, head to the kitchen and on the stove is a pot with a full bag of veggies inside of it boiling.  It was so funny. I told my husband that one has put her ahead of us on the goof up list. Yes we keep count and see who stays on top, it's fun to remember those things when one of mess up. It kind of reminds us that we all do from time to time.

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