
Any game ideas for Vacation Bible School?

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I am teaching "songs and games" at Vacation Bible School. I have 6 groups of kids, each for 20 minutes long. The youngest are between 2 and 3 while the oldest are 8 and 9. I need games that can be manipulated to work with all of the kids and will keep them occupied for 20 minutes. We are indoors, so preferably no baseball or excessive running. The theme is Pirates. Also, I have found that the kids respond well to obstacle courses so if you have any obstacle course ideas that would be great.




  1. I got cheap puzzles from the $ store and wrote the memory verses on the back of the puzzles and then divided the kids into teams and had them race to see who could complete the verse first.  

    Sing to the tune of Bingo-you know..."There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name Oh..B-I-N-G-O..

    There is a Savior we all love and JESUS is his name oh..

    J  E  S  U  S,  J  E  S  U  S,  J  E  S  U  S and Jesus is his name oh!

    Get a beach ball and stand the kids in a circle.  Post the memor verse for the lesson.  The children will pass the ball around in a circle.  Each child says only one word of the verse while holding the ball.  After the verse is completed..the next person says..."Sparkle" and the person after him/her sits down.  Play to see who is the last one standing.

    For the younger children shorten the memory verse and have them say it sitting down.  Then ask them if they can say it standing up?  jumping up and down?  while clapping their hands?

    Play "Who's the Pirate?"  This will be for your 8-9 year olds.  Seat the children in a circle.  One person is the ship captain and steps out of the room.  Then with the captain out of the room, choose one person sitting in the circle to be the pirate.  Then have the captain come back in.  The pirate secretly winks at those in the circle.  If you are winked at, you say "Ahoy mate!!"  or "I'm captured!"  The captain's job is to stand and guess who is the pirate (figure out who is winking).  Limit the guesses to 1-3 depending on how many kids you have!

  2. you can have a mini treasure hunt in a room

  3. How about "Pin the Pee-Pee on the Devil?"

  4. I was working on printable bible games the other day and saw one that had a secret message.

    Maybe you could review that and then check out the kids games section, maybe there is something you can use.

    I hope to get this new section up in a few days, so check back.

  5.  (Try this one first.)

    Hope this helps

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