
Any geologists with an opinion ?

by Guest44997  |  earlier

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I'm not an alarmist, just a curious soul. Seems to me that most aspects of nature run on cycles, including global warming and cooling. Thus if the planet warmed, and the ice caps melted, what would be the geological factor or other factors that would cause it to cool once again, completing the cycle. The planet obviously goes through cooling and warming periods. Everyone is so busy worrying about global warming, that I don't hear much about what would cause the cooling cycle to begin naturally. What would lead to the flip side of the cycle ?




  1. I'm a scientist who's not a geologist, but I've studied this extensively.

    Changes in solar radiation called Milankovic cycles (Google it).

    Thing is, we know about when the cycles occur (about every 100,000 years).  We came out of the last one about 10,000 years ago, the next isn't due for 90,000 more.

    EDIT - Advanced degree. 20+ years experience.  Publications.  My field is a "hard" science, as opposed to "soft".

    Of course I know the Milankovic cycles involve orbital geometry.  The result is changes in solar irradiance on Earth.  My simplified wording makes it easier for non technical people to grasp what's going on.  If they Google it, they'll get the whole story.

    Your turn.

    EDIT 2 - We'll just have to disagree about what's the best way to inform people on Yahoo answers.  What I said conveys the essence, you're quibbling.  This isn't Harvard, and people won't even read detailed answers.  I often provide ways for people to learn more.  It's clear few take me up on it.

    I note you've said nothing at all about who you are.

  2. Here is the opinion of the Geological Society of America (look to the right and click on Global Climate Change):

    Here is the opinion of the American Geophysical Union:

  3. I'm not a geologist.  I've heard anecdotally that most geologists believe that global climate change is predominately natural.  I was talking to one recently and he pretty much confirmed that.  He thought that ocean currents were a more significant driver of world climate.  

    However, I have seen people claiming to be geologists on this forum saying that they do believe in significant human caused climate change.

  4. My unprofessional opinion is that when volcanoes start and continue spewing volatile pollution it will cause rain and snow to form at a given point of saturation in the atmosphere. When it rains and snows it also cools.

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