
Any girls out there that can help me?

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So im very embarassed but i have larger labias. And i mean im so self concious of them. I know there has to be other girls out there that have them. But its even stopping me from me being sexually intimate with any guy i meet. Any girls have the same thing or advice?or info idk.




  1. i know a girl who can make them clap! but seriously its not a problem, they come in all different shapes sizes and colours, im positive no men will be put off by it. besides at your age your more likely to be fooling around with inexpireinced men, and they probably dont even know what one looks like anyway =D

  2. I myself have seen many a women down there and there are so many shapes and sizes its unbelievable. Your Dr. has seen it all so don't feel uncomfortable. When I was 17 I thought I looked funny down there, until I saw other girls and started to watch p**n videos. Then I learned I was not the only one who looked like that. I have seen many a women with large labias, bigger than mine and smaller than mine, so you are normal. Look at other naked women online or in videos and you will feel more comfortable. Men LOVE to play with them during oral s*x. Think...if you were funny down there, I dont think you would have gotten pregnant. Also, there is a saying, "pregnancy is a time in a womens life where another man will see your crotch more than your man." By the time you have your little one, you wont be so nervous anymore. I used to be scared, its still uncomfortable, but Im not embarassed like I was all the years ago. Good luck

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