
Any girls tired of this answer about bfs checking out girls in front of their gf?

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Okay, I was looking at the questions girls asked about their bfs checking out other girls, and I read a majority of answers that say, "Its perfectly normal". Can I just say I am sick of that answer and who is with me!? I mean especially when they say dont you check out other guys? I mean thats such a copout answer, in my opinion, I think that when youre with yur bf he should keep his eyes on you! and not the girl at the other table, I dont care if its human nature! I say they need self control.! Cause you totally feel like crappy **** when you spent time getting ready for him and hes looking at the rack on the other girl. s***w human nature! Hello Self Control, cause I for one have enough self control to keep my eyes on my man when were together why cant he do the same? Who is with me!!! (im gonna get some bad comments for this one...)




  1. I actually agree with you.

    My boyfriend despises it when guys that are seeing someone do it.

    It's just so disrespectful to us in every way.

    I don't find it at all difficult to focus on him when we're out and around. Men should just learn to keep their eyes on the girlfriends, and that's it.

    Just grow up.

  2. Hi Starbucks Babe,

    I agree to a point. If my husband casually notices a pretty girl when I'm with him, so what. But if he looks for longer than a couple of seconds or or if he keeps looking I will get irritated and "ahem". We've discussed this and he's very good about respecting my boundaries. i only have so much "cool wife" in me, ya know?

    But when I'm not with him? I don't care if he cat calls, hoots, hollers or drools (i doubt he goes that far though) because he'd only be embarassing himself, not me.

  3. I feel the same way.

    I wish there was a way to find a good guy who can control those urges, but unfortunately I have yet to find it. I would love to just give him some mental blinders to see me and only me.

    But like you, I get answers like that when I ask those questions with my friends. I just try not to worry about it too much, because even though it makes me feel bad (and a lot of other girls too) I just remind myself that he is with me and not with them. I would rather he just check out a girl on the street than leave me for one of them, you know?

    But girls are a lot different from guys. I mean I can't help but think if another guy isn't ugly...but that doesn't mean I stare at his butt or crotch all day.

    At least I'm thankful that my boyfriend has learned to not make it obvious to avoid hurting my feelings. If your boyfriend is blatantly staring at another girl's chest or butt then you need to tell him how you feel about that. And if he ever makes a comment about another girl then you know that is a big jerk move right there.

    I blame cavemen for it. ugh.

  4. o OOOOOOOOooooooo i totally agree....a man that's with you and he stares at other women is hurtful and degrading and makes you feel disgusting and horrible! Human nature my ***.... they have control over there own eyes.....notice they manage to not look at women they dont find attractive!!!!seriously guys whats wrong with you....if your with a girl then keep ya eyes to her and her only its what she desrves !!!

  5. I totally agree with you gurl, but honestly... most guys are just more sexual people. They have a much stronger libido, and you can kind of see that if you have guy friends. A lot of their conversations include girls, dating, etc. I personally believe that most guys are not monogamous people, so its not abnormal that they check out other chicks. Studies show that guys think about s*x every 6-15 seconds or so. But I do agree that it is still unacceptable and disgusting. However, I do believe that if you do find "the one", I'm pretty sure you'd be sure that you have one of those lucky guys who aren't thinking about s*x and girls all the time.

  6. I am with ya!!!  And I for one can say that Male Self Control is possible....

    My boyfriend (now my husband) once took me to sonic and when the girl brought us our food and then roller bladed away he started learning towards the steering wheel to peer out the window....I caught him and pushed his head into the steering wheel making him beep the horn.  The girl turned around and looked at him like a spaz and so did everyone else at that drive in......when he looked back at me I was laughing and I said "you know what you did....if ur smart you won't do it again."

    AND he never did.  Since then for the last three years he's kept his eyes to himself when he is in my presence!  As it should be.


    P.S. I didn't hurt him (I dont condone violence) I just pushed his head firmly enough that the horn went off since he was so close to the steering wheel lol


    lol i totally agree

    they should learn to appreciate wht they've got rather than checking out other girls

    those bast@rds


  8. Perhaps, the other girls you are talking about are more attractive than you.  Because of that, your boyfriend can not help but stare.  

  9. I just hate the answers to those kinds of questions.

    In real life everyone gets a little mad when their bf checks out another girl and yet online everyone just throws random answers saying like what you pointed out "it's normal" etc. I mean yeah we're all human and we will want to check someone out but there's a thing called respect and I don't think the other should drool over another person while their bf/gf is there with them.

  10. no i totally agree with you

  11. well as for me, i totally agree with you!!!! it's so irritating when guys do that, like even if they're not married, you shouldn't be checking out other people if you have a boyfriend or girlfriend.

  12. Its perfectly normal you feel that way. It's human nature to get p**s off about not getting what they deserve.  

  13. Why is your avatar wearing a pink cowboy hat...thats so dam lame

  14. Well, from a guy's point of view, I am only 16, lol (I need a pic..)

    If a guy is out on a date with his gf, and his eyes are wandering, there may be a couple reasons why.

    1) He feels insecure

    2) Maybe shy

    3) Doesn't know what else to do.

    When he looks at other girls, or glances around at other girls.

    1) May be comparing his gf to that girl he is looking at and thinking he is very lucky to have the girlfriend or very jealous thinking that isn't his girlfriend!

    2) And, if a girl's rack is bigger then his girlfriends, then he will look or have self control and keep his eyes on you. When I see a large rack, I sometimes look, because it is funny (haha, she looks weird with a large rack, lol much) or a omg moment (good Lord.. it's beautiful)

    Think of that, like looking at a painting, and you say its a work of art. Some girls are works of art and others look like a swamp monsters or something out of the Twilight Zone.

    3) Do women look at other guys while out on a date, yes they do, don't lie. I am not saying all women, but I noticed some women check other guys out, while with their boyfriend.

    Happens to me a lot! See a girl checking me out at a restaurant and the boyfriend is clueless or a girl in a car checking me out as I am walking to a store and the boyfriend can't look where she is looking because he is driving the car. So, I hoped that helps.

  15. I'm also with you, but everyone looks, I look when I'm in a relationship, the whole problem with men checking out other girls is that fact that they don't even try and hide it, it's disrespectful, I look but don't make it obvious.  

  16. I completely and totally agree with you about this. Guys should be able to look at the girl they are with and be content with that. There is a time and a place for some aspects of human nature. Human nature or not, I think that it is totally disrespectful of a guy lay his eyes on another woman when he is supposed to be paying attention to me. I always do plenty to pay the man I'm with the same respect. If he can't give me that respect in return, he can definitely expect trouble.

  17. ok....

  18. I agree with you 100%. People always give that 'dont you check out other guys' line, and I'm like, if I'm dating someone, I'm dating THEM. not the guy at the table across from us, or the guy that just walked past. and someone asked a question about why guys stare at girls b***s and butts, and they all said its attractive and 'dont you look at guys p***s' and chests and butts?' uh, no i dont. thats kind of weird. hahaha dang girl i agree with you. anyone who dont can f   u ck themselves!

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