
Any good 7 minute duo speeches?

by  |  earlier

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Me and my friend are in speech and we need a good duo. Either very funny or very dramatic. And if you're thinking Who's on first by Abbot and Costello... NOOOO! Heard that way to much. We need a duo for two females 5 to 7 minutes long. Thank you much.




  1. i will give you something new from a comedy , 'Maid In The Mill ' :


    Ismenia's chamber.


    Brigida lingers. O he has denied me

    And therefore she is loth to come, for she

    Knows she will bring me death. It is not so.

    He has detained her to return an answer.

    Yet I asked none. I am full of fear, O heart,

    I have staked thee upon a desperate cast,

    Which if I win not, I am miserable.

    'Tis she. O that my hope could give her wings

    Or lift her through the window bodily

    To shorten this age of waiting. I could not

    Discern her look. Her steps sound hopefully.

    Enter Brigida.

    Dearest Brigida! at last! What says Antonio? Tell me quickly. Heavens! you look melancholy.


    Santa Catarina! How weary I am! My ears too! I think they have listened to more nonsense in these twenty minutes than in all their natural eighteen years before. Sure, child, thou hast committed some unpardonable sin to have such a moonstruck lover as this Antonio.


    But, Brigida!


    And his shadow too, his Cerberus of wit who guards this poetical treasure. He would have eaten me, I think, if I had not given him the wherewithal to stop the three mouths of him.  


    Why, Brigida, Brigida.


    Saints! to think how men lie! I have heard this Basil reputed loudly for the Caesar of wits, the tongue and laughter of the time; but never credit me, child, if I did not silence him with a few stale pertnesses a market-girl might have devised for her customers. A wit, truly! and not a word in his mouth bullet-head Pedro could not better.


    Distraction! What is this to Antonio? Sure, your wits are bewildered, Brigida. What said Antonio ? Girl, I am on thorns.  


    I am coming to that as fast as possible. Jesus! What a burning hurry you are in, Ismenia! You have not your colour, child. I will bring you salvolatile from my chamber. Tis in a marvellous cut-bottle with a different hue to each facet! I filched it from Donna Clara's room when she was at matins yesterday.  


    Tell me, you magpie, tell me.


    What am I doing else? You must know I found Antonio was in his garden. Oh, did I tell you, Ismenia ? Donna Clara chooses the seeds for me this season and I think she has as rare a notion of nasturtiums as any woman living. I was speaking to Pedro in the summer house yesterday; for you remember it thundered terrifically before one had time to know light from darkness; and there I stood miles from the garden door


    In the name of pity, Brigida  


    Saints! how you hurry me. Well, when I went to Antonio in his garden—There's an excellent garden, Ismenia. I wonder where Don Beltran's gardener had his bignolias.




    Well, where was I ? Oh, giving the letter to Antonio. Why, would you believe it, in thrust Don Wit, Don Cerberus, Don Subtle-



    Will you tell me, you ogress, you paragon of Tyrannesses, you she-Nero, you compound of impossible cruelties?


    Saints, what have I done to be abused so? I was coming to it faster than a mail-coach and four. You would not be so un- conscionable as to ask me for the appendage of a story, all tail and nothing to hang. it on ? Well, Antonio took the letter.  

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