
Any good RPGs out there?

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I just love RPG, but I don't know what to get. I already played Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess on the Wii and just beaten Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII... I like stories with really good story lines. I have a PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, Psp and a Nintendo DS (but I hardly play it). Oh, and a Mac computer if that helped any! Also played Eternal sonata because a friend recommended it. It was boring but I was too stubborn to quit. :) PLEASE SUGGEST SOME!!!




  1. MapleStory or Gunz , the websites are = maple story and = Gunz , dont listen to the RuneScape retards , i tried it and it sucked so badly that i fell and the floor and laughed at how much it sucked.Trust me on this

  2. there are lots like super mario64 all the mario partys 4,5,6,7,8, and theres a MMORG i like its called and then theres tomb raider I hope u have a good time playing


  4. final fantasy 4 (ds)

    final fantasy 13(ps3)(coming soon)

    eternal sonota(360)

    blue dragon(360)

    the last remnant(360)

    lost oddysy(360)

    the world ends with you(ds)

    mass effect (360,pc)tons of fun


    zelda phantom hourglass(ds)

    fallout 3(ps3,360,pc)(upcoming)

    fable 2 (360)upcoming

    hope i helped

  5. runescape is a waste of life, please dont play it

  6. runescape is the best RPG

  7. Mass Effect is a must... comes on Xbox and PC

  8. Runescape has gotten a bit better, but I can see why you don't like it. It is VERY tedious sometimes.

    I've been playing Samurai of Legend for the past few weeks and I think it's rad. Free, browser based., easy to learn.

  9. runescape suks try maplestory its awesome

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