i have little clips i wrote from one.
NOTE: only for those who actually care. if you think it's stupid or childish, then don't answer. duh.
alright, well i know katara and aang blah blah blah. BUT i think it should be katara and zuko. i was SO mad that it was katang that ended the series, SO i wrote a story that continued after the story. no, i'm not gonna post the whole story silly, just kinda like a summary or somethin
ok so one night K (katara) is looking at the stars when A (aang) comes out to kiss her goodnight. he goes inside then after awhile a couple of comets go across the sky and K climbs down the side of the castle or whatever they live in and runs through the city which is of course abandoned since it's so late (more like early, around 3 or 4 am) and find a hotel and climbs to the top floor to the only open window and goes in and is like "hello?? are you here??" and Z (zuko) comes out of the shadows and stuff and they hug cause they haven't seen each other for almost 4 months cause Z had to do some emporer stuff and after a while they...well...ya know. ! :^O ! then couple episodes and what not later they are all at A's b-day party (A still has no clue that K and Z have a thing for each other) and K gives A his present from her last and it's a card and he drops it with tear filled eyes and everyone's quiet and asking K what she said and A says "i'm a father. K is pregnant!!" and Z gasps and holds back tears as K explains how she went to a shaaman type lady the day after she and A...again...you know...because the only time to determine every little detail is the day after. then K says it's a girl and she's naming it Zukira, Zuki for short. Mai and Z go home as Z tries not to let the pain show. another season or so later after the baby is born K is standing on the bridge with baby
(this one to be exact: http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x41/K...
and Z walks up and hold the baby and they just talk normally and then Z's like "you know, i feel so close to Zuki. almost like by blood or something, i can't explain it. aang's a lucky father" and K is leaning over the bridge with tears and says "Aang's not the father, Zuko. you are." couple episodes later, blah blah blah then everyone's trapped in the middle of a snowstorm in the middle of nowhere and there's a shaaman lady named Misty and K is afraid something's wrong with Zukira and A comes in to see if everything's ok but then misty's eyes get big and jaw drops and looks up at them and says "A is not the father." then she looks at K with a smile "and you know it." then A gets angry with Misty and starts yelling and throwing a fit saying she's not a real shaman and is a liar and fake nad everyone hears the commotion and comes in misty's tent with them and is like whats going on and then A's like "she's telling me i'm not Zuki's father!!!!" and Z gets scared cause he knows he's the real dad so he backs up slowly to behind everyone and thinks about running out of the tent when misty says "Zuki was named after her true father." and everyone's like "we don't know any Zuki's" and misty's like "no, but you know a Zuko" and everyone turns around and stares at him while tears stream down his face and all this stuff happens and A starts yelling and pushing Z and everyone breaks them up and all this stuff. then K runs away in the middle of the night and evreyone looks for her but only Z finds her and they start to kiss and as things get more passionate a purplish glow surrounds them and a colum goes into the sky and everyone sees it and misty explains that they are the yin and yang, he was raised to kill, she was raised to heal; he's as dark and mysterious as night, she's as bright and confident as day, yet the moon is her power and the sun is his; water puts out fire yet fire evaporates water; not to mention the plain fact one's a boy and one's a girl, and that this was all supposed to happen, it's written in their destinies ever since they were born it's just that A and Mai crossed their path. then a bunch of other stuff, but it's very long so i won't write it.
do you have any suggestions?? comments?? questions?? a story of your own??
also, if you know of a REALLY good site that has Zutara fan groups, tell me.
thank you :)
and ZUTARA!!