
Any good chess stragedies?

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Does anyone know how best to start off for any good stragedies etc...




  1. to start off, always move your pond in front of your king or queen up first. then move a knight to protect or kill a pond. after that, just respond to what your opponents do.

  2. I'm a chess coach rated about 2200. I may be able to give you a few tips:

    When you say "to start off" I presume you mean the beginning of the game, the opening.

    1. Get your pieces out quickly. Move your two centre pawns to get them out. Don't start by moving the pawns at the sides if you can help it.

    2. Castle as early as you can. Kings left in the centre die. Once castled, don't advance the pawns in front of your king. The pawns protect him.

    3. Don't move the queen too early - she will get chased around by other pieces wasting time. She may even lose her life.

    4. The centre of the board is more important than the sides. E.g. move your knights towards the centre, not towards the edge. Occupy the centre with your pawns (it keeps your opponent's pieces away).

    5. Try not to move pieces in the opening more than once. While you're hopping about with that knight, your opponent is getting all their pieces out. You can't win a battle without an army. Get all your pieces out to active squares.

    6. A good "general rule" is: move one or two centre pawns first, knights next, then bishops, castle, then queen and rooks. Of course you have to react to your opponent's moves as well.

    For the rest of the game:

    1. If you are ahead on material, exchange pieces off. If you are losing materially, keep pieces on, especially the queen.

    2. Don't be too materialistic. The game is won only by checkmate. Too many players hunt pawns when they should be hunting the opposing king. Go after their king!

    3. Look for checks which also attack other pieces (forks). The king may have to move because he's in check, allowing you to take the other piece you were attacking. :)

    4. When you don't know what to do, look around for the piece that really isn't doing anything and shift it to a more active square. Look at that rook stuck in a corner - you may as well be a piece down if you leave it there.

    Hope this helps.

  3. I find horses with rookes are generally good, and sneak in a bishop when the opponent doesn't notice to get stealthy kill on an important piece.

  4. every chess peace matters

    the more you kill the more its easy for you

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