
Any good comments welcome thanks?

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A gentle breeze

on golden face,

eye's dark

like ace of spades.

Your footprint in sand

I touch,

a wanting more potent

than lust.

your hair that dances

in time,

to ebbs and flows

of tide.

A smile I long to kiss

and taste,

to have one chance,

I'd fall from grace.




  1. Very different.  I like it though.

  2. Best poem I've read on here in a fortnight.

    Dislike 'ace of spades' would sugest a change their, as put me off a bit, so sick of that usage that's all.

    s**y, lustful, tasty, also respectful and distant, very impressive.

    Wished it was longer. Terry.

  3. that is amazing it is as if it was written by a artist of words ( very good poet )

  4. It's really beautiful and romantic.

    good job!!

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