My son is in 3rd grade and has his first "real" school project. He's doing a report on George H. W. Bush (Sr.). To make a long story short, they spent the last 2 weeks compiling the information (supposedly) at school. Then over spring break this week (at home) they are to organize it and make a poster board. Problem: He came home with only 2 sentences written. I think the poor kid was just overwhelmed and didn't have a clue just HOW to do this. The teacher was out off and on during this time for kidney stones, so unfortunately I think this he just fell in the cracks. I kept asking him every day and he just told me he was working on it.
Anyway, we have to basically do it from scratch. I'm having trouble finding websites online that are kid friendly, reference sites, etc. Everything I'm finding is WAY too complex for him and using the internet for projects/school is new to me. About all I know is that Wikipedia is a no-no! lol
Any help is appreciated!