
Any good emo quotes ?

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  1. Cut cut cut, bleed bleed bleed,

    I have fake emotion.

    How about that, it really suits emos.

  2. ""Ill paint you a picture

       One with a twist

        Ill paint with a razor

        Here on my wrist"

    Or something like that. Not my quote. i Didnt make this up and i probably misquoted it but thats the Emo-est quote i could think of. Sorry bout the sterotype

  3. I got a joe 4 ya.

    How many emos does it take to paint a wall.

    Give Up?

    The answer is: it depends on how hard you throw them.


  4. d**n.  Im  an old guy, but you "emo" folks sure do come across as a bunch of self indulged pathetic losers.

      Maybe I don't understand what has caused your sensitivity and angst towards the world, maybe I'm too old.

      I think you guys should cut into your sulking time and get a friggin job. Everything doesent revolve around you.  Sorry.

  5. i wish my lawn were emo...then it would cut itself

  6. Just download some emo songs and take parts of lyrics from them.

    Here are some that I have:

    `Take a gun called hate up against your heart and pull the trigger.

    `And should they kill me, your love will fill me as warm as the bullets.

    `All this time is wasted pretending we're in love, but that's alright cause you know i love being with you and seeing you cry.

    `Fate is an elegant, cold hearted w***e.

    `Heaven's not a place that you go when you die, it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive, so live for the moment.

    Uh.. I like these lines, hope you do too. :)

  7. Funny:

    I wish my hair were emo so it would cut itself

    Not Particularly Funny:

    And so my sun went behind a cloud, and the moon and stars hitchhiked.

    (some book)

  8. The silence depressed me. It wasn't the silence of silence. It was my own silence. Syliva Plath, The Bell Jar.

    To the person in the bell jar, blank and stopped as a dead baby, the world itself is the bad dream. Syliva Plath The Bell Jar.

    Hope these help, from Plath, emo-iest of writers.

  9. Uhh..

    I wish my grass was like you, so it would cut itself?

    I don't know, heh
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