
Any good films on the topic of adoption?

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Any good films on the topic of adoption?




  1. Bela

  2. I liked "Secrets and Lies" for reunion.

  3. Stolen Babies - The Story of Georgia Tann

    The Sugarland Express

    A Child Lost Forever

  4. i recently attended a pre-showing party for "august rush." powerful... i think it opened around thanksgiving.

    oh, i forgot about losing isiah.... thanks for mentioning that, erica.

  5. Yeah, August Rush is a new movie in theaters about a boy who was put up for adoption. I haven't had a chance to see it, but it's definitely on my list.

    Losing Isaiah with Halle Berry is an amazing and very sad movie about a little boy who was put up for adoption after his birth mother is on heavy drugs, she believes her baby to be dead, and she later discovers he is alive and she wanted him back, and the movie is based around the custody battle between the birth and adopted mother.

  6. Yup, I know of a Filipino movie entitled, "Foster Child". Its a good movie which tackles about the life and the journey of a child from living in the orphanage, and then living with a foster family and finally go to the final parents who will legally adopt them. It was so realistic and dramatic at the same time. Especially the scenes where the foster family falls in love with their foster child, then, time comes that they dont want to                                                                                                                    loose their foster child.

  7. Two really good movies are Secrets and Lies and Daughter from Danang.

    Secrets and Lies is about a woman who finds her birthmother and is surprised to find out that her birthmother is white. (The woman searching is Black.) The birthmother didn't know her birthchild was black, either. There are racial themes here, but it's much more about the relationship between the two women. It's a great movie, with a lot of sympathy for everyone concerned.

    Daughter from Danang is a documentary. The filmmakers set out to make a nice reunion story about a woman who was adopted from Viet Nam reuniting with her birthmother. But there are cultural misunderstandings and it all goes wrong. The woman who was adopted has unrealistic expectations, and her birthfamily is too eager to act as if they have never been apart and can now just pick up their lives as if she's always lived with them. Again, there is a lot of sympathy for both sides. In fact, so much so, that the scene when things come to an emotional boil is so tense and upsetting I could barely watch it. (Remember, this is non-fiction, so all this was really happening!) It's a very emotional movie, without a happy ending. But it's powerful and very worth seeing.

  8. not really what you want but the song is good,

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  9. August Rush and there is another called Juno w/ jennifer garner. I do want to go see these movies, but i'm not sure. I get extermely emotional about these type movies. So, I either walk out or turn off the tv.

  10. August Rush is really good. I cried through most of it.

    I just watched a movie called The Christmas Child with Stephen Curtis Chapman.  The acting isn't very good, and its a Christian movie which some might not like; but its about a man who's aparents have died and he searches for his first family. Talks a lot about sealed records. I liked it for the adoption factor..

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