
Any good ideas for a scheme of work on the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II?

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I'm rewriting the scheme for Year One, and it's a little tired. Has anyone done anything with a bit more WOW!? Thanks...




  1. I was very fortunate that, at the age of 13, I actually was standing outside Buckingham Palace on Coronation Day. I was one of 100 lads and officers of the Church Lads' Brigade chosen by ballot to represent that organisation. We stood for 11 and a half hours outside the palace from 5.30am to 5.00pm and for most of the day it rained. And there was a line of Guardsmen wearing bearskins in front of us. But I've got a reasonable photo of HM the Queen on her return from Westminster Abbey.

    Anyway, that's beside the point!!  You need to use the web to find newspapers of that day and the day after which will be ful of photographs. I remember sitting on the tube from South Harrow at about 3.30 am reading the headlines one of which said, "All this and Everest Too," because news had just reached the UK that Edmund Hilary and Sherpa  Tensing had reached the summit, the first to do so.  You can buy facsimile copies of the papers of the time, both national and local. One of the local (or even national) papers might include a photo showing an event which shows relatives of someone in your class.

    Invite grandpaprents who remember the day, and, believe me, they'll not have forgotten it, to come into school to talk to the Year 1 classes. They'll love it, it makes them feel valued. I should know, I do it for local schools.  (Incidentally, many of them/us have memories of Britain during and since the war)

    They will tell about street parties with home made flags and bunting; about eating sandwiches, cakes and jelly; about  lovely sports days on local playing fields/parks with simple prizes for the winners (not for everyone like you do now!!) They will remember that in 1953 we were only 8 years after WWII and things were still difficult to get, especially luxury items.

    That time of our recent history is much neglected by history teachers and it has much to study including (for example) clothes and fashion for adults and children, holidays by train to the seaside, simple HOMEMADE food, made by mums who did not go to work;  children at school, etc. etc. etc.

    Hope some of this is helpful. If you need more, post another question.

    By the way, I have been a teacher since 1960 and still do supply work.

  2. No grand ideas, it's late. But it would be some fun to throw in the cornonation episode from series two of the new doctor who. Super cute. I think it was The Idiot's Lantern.

    It would be a great day to plan in the beginning of the end of the scheme to have grandparents come in and tell stories about it and bring in memoribilia,

    or to recreate a coronation party, watch a video of it together, and have the students decorate and bring in treats :)

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