
Any good ideas for proposal, please be realistic.

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Any good ideas for proposal, please be realistic.




  1. Bring her out to dinner and plan this somewhere that takes reservations. Arrive early so you may speak with your waiter and let her know you want to order dessert, but give the waiter the box the ring comes in and tell her to use that as the '"cake" tell the waiter to decorate it with frosting or drizzle fudge to make it look like a mini cake. Then at the end of the night with your fiance you order dessert she brings it out,maybe trys to cut it...either you can help her and then get down on one knee with the plate in hand or you can just have her try to figure it out and have her open it herself...and then get one 1 knee..i don't think she would see that coming at all =) Good luck let us all know how it works out!!


  2. My proposal was very informal.  My fiance and I were just having a normal day and he stopped what he was doing and just looked at me with a this amazing look that I still can't describe.  A combination of love and complete seriousness but also as if he was looking and seeing me completely all my hope and dreams, (it sounds really corny but was one hellof a look) and then he just looked me in the eyes and said "marry me! will you marry me?"

    It was a completly spontanious proposal and I wouldn't change it at all as I know he meant it.  It helps that when I yes he he looked completely relieved.  We then went ring shopping together and picked out beautiful rig.  I chose the style of ring and he picked the quality of diamond to go in it.

  3. One rose,one ring,go down on bended knee and say will you marry me.

  4. i think if you really want to make her feel better take her out for a nice meal, at a posh restaurant and after dinner when you're walking home propose :D that's romantic

  5. Go back to the place you very first saw her, or a place that holds a romantic sentimental value to you, and just be a perfect gentleman, get down on one knee and propose

    maybe at night in the starlight, or during the sunrise

    Simple and thoughtful :)

  6. Welcome in !

    We specialize on providing customize ideas for occasions especially Marriage Proposal so as to allow you to achieve the most memorable moments possible.

    Services Provided like Wedding Anniversary, Birthday and Celebration - Others (Please specify if there any occasions which you feel we are able to be of service)

    Ideas are customized and cater differently to everyone. Please do not hesitate to contact us for enquires

    Welcome in !

  7. My dad was in the Army posted in Belize, South America when he proposed to my mum. He sent her a BIG coconut which had a sunset scene painted on it and it just said ''Marry Me''. Luckily he arranged it so it arrived the day before he got back.

    22 years & 4 kids later they're still together.

  8. You could always  jus take her to her fav restaurant   when you first get there tell your server its her bday and ask him to bring out a lil somethin for her after the main meal is done. Then make it seem like  jus a normal date night out  dont act like anything is out of  the norm by the time the meal is over and the staff comes out and sings happy bday to her  stand up and say " i lied  we arent here to celebrate  enter gf's name here birthday " but to ask her a very important ques then make you short but sweet speech  then get down on one knee and say " simply put enter gf's name  your amazing  Will you marry me ? "

  9. do something you usually do with her. like have dinner, go to a sporting event, take a walk. find a moment in there and ask her.  



  11. The most romantic proposal I ever heard of was a scavenger hunt that ended at her mother's house with all her close friends and family.

    On the hunt, she went to their favorite restaurant, the place where they had their first kiss, where they met, to close friends houses, to the flower shop.  It was very meaningful and lasted the whole day!

  12. Something that is authentically you would be the best bet.  My husband and I were home-bodies when we dated.  Never did anything fancy and my husband really wanted to surprise me and knew I would suspect something was up if he did something out of character.

    We ate dinner at a favorite place by his house and then were going to watch a movie.  I went back to his bedroom to grab a blanket to use during the movie and he stopped me in the bedroom and had the ring hidden in plain sight on his dresser and just proposed.  It was spontaneous and sweet.

    Just my two cents.  The fact that you're proposing is special/memorable enough, no need to do something over the top.

  13. its gotta be personal 2 the 2 ov u or summin she really likes but dont over do it its the question thats important not a comp 2 see who can be the most romantic

  14. Giver her what she wants.

    Then she gives what you want.

  15. okay so this is totally how i want my boyfriend to propose but Im gonna tell you anyways maybe it can give you an idea...

    i want to go hiking into the Tonto Natural bridge again!! And just hike the trails then when we get to the bridge and the water fall after we get off the rocks he would drop to one knee under the bridge and ask me to marry him with his family there and his little sister to take a picture! oh my god that place is so romantic

  16. Do it at one of your favorite places. It can be a favorite restaraunt, a favorite park, favorite coffee shop, etc. She'll never guess it and it will continue to be your favorite place for another reason.  

  17. A special place to you both! We just got married 3 weeks ago.

    My, now, husband proposed to me in the private gardens where we live as we have lived here together for a few years and will always have the gardens to enjoy forever. We asked the committee of the gardens if we could have our ceremony in there and they agreed! I was so happy when they said yes. It's the only wedding that has been in there! We have many years of happy memories in there and many more to come and we can say to our children. 'Mummy & Daddy got married in here' and we can show them all the photos and the exact spot where he proposed to me.

    Always think of something special between you as it will mean a lot in the future. Our wedding had a lot of meaning to everything and it was all special to us. We didn't just pick random places like people do cause they look nice, it came from our hearts.

    You could always be even more special and steer away from the typical engagement ring of silver band with diamond and go for a gem! My engagement ring has a blue gem stone with diamonds on the band, it's beautiful and really stands out as it's from an antique shop no one has one! She'll love being different and people will still want to keep looking at it a year later!

    Good luck, i wish you all the happiness in the world.

  18. There's a website called Teddy Delivery and you can make a "will you marry me bear". They are very cute and its something she can keep forever x

  19. It sounds cheesy, but, you could give her something like one of those lanyards with a usb drive at the end, and ask her to look at a program you're working on. in power point with effects (exploding fireworks, dancing pandas, whatever you like) give clues to her identity (there's this girl that sleeps on her__ and hogs the covers in the winter) then have "Will You Marry Me" on the last slide. and then hold up the end of the lanyard with the ring on it. She's flip.  

  20. Take her out to dinner and if she gets salad, write "will you marry me" in french dressing. Lol, thats the best i could come up with.

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