
Any good/interesting poems over 100 words?

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For a class presentation (11th grade) in drama we have to memorize and recite a poem over 100 words, anyone know any interesting ones?

Some of my ideas would be like reciting the green eggs and ham, or if you give a mouse a cookie book. Or the poem entitled "Sick" in Where the sidewalk ends. But was wondering if someone knew something better.




  1. Land Of The Desert

    Little grows in this famished land,

    its sad song eerily carried upon the wind

    is seldom heard across a land spurned by nature,

    as if, destined to be laid bare.

    However, an indescribable beauty,

    defiant of nature, is evident to those

    who take time to witness

    what lies before them, yet remain

    cautious of the danger this beauty


    Life survives precariously,

    a testament to its resilience,

    each day a challenge,

    this land of desert

    offers safe harbor to none.

    A sad song is eerily carried upon the wind,

    each verse a warning,

    enter this land of desert,

    death alone is guaranteed.

    Mac McGovern, 2008

    This one is about 103 words. You are welcome to visit my site, I have about 280 published poems. Good luck.

    If you decide to use one of my poems, please let me know how you did.

  2. Robert Forst's Poem..

    it goes........

                "two roads diverged in a yellow wood.....




                 and that has made all the difference...."

    I dont know the name of that poem! Sorry About it.

    But i Love that poem....

    They're good

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