
Any good jobs for people with tattoos and piercings? ?

by Guest45149  |  earlier

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i dont see why we get looked down upon, were different but smart as well. we shouldnt be judged by our appearance




  1. a tattoo and peircing shop will hire you lol j/k

    I know Hot Topic doesn't have any despute about them.

    Interior Designer... Hair dresser... Photographer... something with the arts but stay away from the business suit type

  2. If you are talking about a retail store or your local fast food joint, well maybe, maybe not, - depends if they want drones or people.

    But if you have an interest, a life's work, etc. well be good at what you do, be desirable because of your skills and who you are, and smile and be proud and not defensive, then you can go anywhere you want and do anything that you want,... you may have to work at it a bit to get there, but if people don't start carving their ways through prejudices, how will anything ever change?

    There are tattooed and pierced people in all walks of life, on all levels of the pay scale, and in every color of collar.

    So, lets go for it, and change the world to the one we want to live in.

  3. you can work where ever you want. but most places just make you cover them up. i have a friend who's got full sleeves on both of his arms and he's a car salesmen...he just has to wear long sleeves to work. i have another friend whos a nurse and she has a huge tattoo around her neck...she has to wear turtle necks to work.

    don't you wish the world was a little more open minded??

  4. You're sucks. And it's not even that different to have tattoos! I used to work at a Trader Joe's and they allow tattoos to show. They pay well and you get benefits Alot of the time it's not about company policy, though. It just depends on the individual doing the hiring.  

  5. try to get a job where you dont have to deal with people face to face, try to be a debt collector or a package handler at FedEX or UPS, those jobs tend to be more lax, and they generally pay more than min. wage too. :)

  6. Yeah, you shouldn't get judged because of it. But unfortunately, you do. Normally really profesional businesses frown upon it. But owell.  

  7. It is all cool to me but your question was if there are any good jobs for people with tattoos and piercings.  hmmm. you should be able to get any job you are qualified for.  if you are young and are just looking for work I would suggest a record shop or a tattoo place.  another good place to look is home depot.

  8. no you should definietly not be judged by appearance..but my one friend has piercings and a tattoo and sure enough it's impossible to find a job for her..but yah i kno i'm srry

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