
Any good literary agents in Twin Cities area?

by Guest67209  |  earlier

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I'm looking for recomendation for literary agents within the Twin Cities. I won't be contacting them right away as I am still working on my book, but I wanted to get a start so I'm ready when I finish. I don't want to get ripped off, etc. I want someone reputable. My book is a paranormal mystery/thriller. It could be young adult, but could not be too.




  1. In these days of e mails, fax machines and Fed Ex, it is not necessary that your agent be in the city where you live. In fact, most aren't. Most are in NY. And that is just fine. Get a copy of Writers Market and be more concerned that the agent represents your genre of work rather than is close by. You can go even further by using Literary Marketplace at the library - a costly book that is the Author's Bible. As for being ripped off, you must do that research before making your decision by going to the proper Writers Beware sites and checking with other authors for their personal experiences. But none of that can be done until you have 1) Finished the book and 2) Put it aside for 3-6 months and then gone back and done at least one more draft. Pax-C  

  2. I don't have any specific names but check out the 'Author's Guild' website and Writersbeware website.  Both provide easily accessible lists of reputable agents, editors, and publishers.  They also list the worst of the worst in case someone tries to reach out to you so always look at that list as well.  And don't get bogged down by finding an agent near you, some authors have agents in different cities.  Also pick up a copy of writer's digest, writer's market from the local library and pluck a few names from there.  In this day and age you'll find plenty of them have websites that give very specific guidelines as to what they are looking for and when.  Also check out the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America website.  Plenty of the authors there give rave reviews and kudos to their agents, editors, and publishers.

    There are also plenty of conferences to attend where agents hold ten minute sessions for you to pitch your manuscript.  Also check out contests, some first and second place prizes are agent reviews or editor judges.

    Joining groups also help with networking for names and some often have contests and mixers where you can meet agents face to face or invite the agents to come and speak.


    u can try here

  4. I invite you to visit our web site.


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