
Any good parnormal phenomena stories that i can base a book on?

by  |  earlier

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i want to write a story, but im kinda out of ideas right now. im sure that if i got a good story idea, then some things would just flow and id be back to regenerating thoughts.

and yes, this will be a suspense/mystery/horror story.

please and thankyou!!!!

have a wonderful night




  1. I am an H.P. Lovecraft fan and so suggest that you read some of his writing for inspiration.

    Here are some thoughts. Why do ghosts always have to be about tragic events like murder? Why not the church being haunted by Prince Rainier and Grace Kelly that wedding was certainly an emotionally charged event and a great love story.

    Also, why are ghosts only of past events if one can see back can one see forward.

    Just my two cents.

  2. Do dreams count? I had a friend that I lost touch with & I had a dream about him & in the dream his face was messed up. So when I woke up I looked his name up on yahoo & found his obit & a new story that he had died in a car crash.

  3. I've got one, although I don't know if it's really paranormal. But at one period in my life, I was waking up at 3:30am on the dot every day for several weeks.

    This one particular night, this was while I was working in China, I went to bed like every other night. At 3:30am I suddenly sat up and started shrieking like a possessed demon. Except that I wasn't in control of myself. That was for like 10 seconds and then I was so scared I hit my heel against the lamp table and tore off a good piece of skin.

    After that I couldn't sleep for weeks I was so scared.

    If that doesn't work for you, here's a video I saw on youtube of "paranormal" events. I don't know if they're real or not, but it's up to you to decide. Maybe get some ideas.

  4. I've got a few interesting personal experiences. But I'd rather not go into them here. If you're interested, drop me an email and I'll tell you about them.

  5. research Old House Woods

  6. maybe you should try something other than writing ,just on the subject alone I've more story's to tell then one could imagine. oops hit the nail on the head ......imagine, that

  7. You have to use your own ideas when writing a book

  8. How about a guy who has ESP and uses is solely for personal financial gain (i.e. robbery, taking advantage of people, etc.).  Then, as he's mining minds for info he overhears a thought about a guy wanting to kill his wife.  Then our hero would be caught in a dilemma.  Does he have a conscience after all?  Will he save the woman, even though doing so requires him to miss out on a big score and even reevaluate what he has been doing with his life?  How can he convince her he knows what he knows without letting her in on his secret ability?

    There's one possibility, but since it's fantasy you'll be writing you can make up your own rules for the universe.  Why not create a phenomenon of your own?

  9. exocism


    neo-pagan cults...come on name a bad idea.

  10. If you put your question in again..but write "Do you know any ghost stories?"...they'll show you "similar questions asked" and there are lots of "ghost" story answers on there. You might get a lot more ideas from it than you would from a few on here." Similar questions" also should have come up when you put your question in.

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