
Any good quotes or one liners you claim as you own?

by  |  earlier

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So many people love these kind of things, Funny, Thought provoking, uplifting...

Here's on of mine

"Reality rides a frieght train" Cj

Thanks for sharing




  1. My one would be;

    "Are you feeling toasty?" ;]

  2. On relationships:

    What's worse? Being miserable alone or being miserable with someone.

    It takes 42 muscles to frown, four muscles to smile; and only your vocal chords to say "Frig off!" or any four letter F word of your choice.( I paraphrased the first part and added my conclusion.)

    Peace is an answer but world peace is the only answer.

    Taking time to think is way better than doing time because you didn't.

  3. Hind sight may be 20/20, but d**n my foresight needs glasses

  4. that's what mae said

    (my friends made that for me)

    aren't we just a train of happy??

    ^^my friend sierra made that one, it's funny

  5. He who laughs last, thinks the slowest

  6. ''Life isnt worth living if you aren't living it''

  7. Yesterday is history

    tomorrow is a mystery

    today is a gift

    that's why it's called the present

  8. To love someone, is to learn the song that is in their heart and sing it to them when they've forgotten

  9. Young blood equals old mistakes...

    Next time you're outside, look up ; )

  10. I is a college student

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