
Any good reasons to leave Britain and emigrate?

by  |  earlier

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And where's the best place to go?




  1. If you find a job that you enjoy and pays you better then here. I really want to go to Australia.

  2. Lots of reasons to leave - everything's going do3n the tube at the moment and unless something wonderful happens there's going to be mass unemployment.

    Problem is other countries aren't letting you in unless you can offer them something useful (skills, cash etc.), and most of the rest of the world is going down the tube too.


  4. But what about that free heath care Yes y'all have free heath care Did I mention it's free

    Anyone ever see a M Moore movie and cry about the heath care the yanks have to deal with/? How's that weak dollar working out for y'all? Ha ha He he

    Ain't pay back a bitc#

  5. I did it a couple of years back!! We had been burgled three times, my car had been stolen ( recovered, damaged)  my husbands van had been stolen ( unrecovered) and basically, we had become sick of being the minority in our own country.

    We now live in Cyprus. I often come home to find the farmer has left fresh fruit and veg for me, I can leave my house and my car unlocked without fear, and I once came home to find someone had planted flowers in my garden!! Think that would ever happen in the U.K.? No chance!! Anyway.....its the best thing we ever did.....I love my new country, and I love my neighbours, both ex-pats, and Cypriots....they're wonderful!!

  6. Petrol gone up, food prices high, electricity and gas bills high?  good reasons to leave, as these are all the essentials we need to survive most people cant afford anymore.  Not sure where to emigrate too as most other countries have the same problem.

  7. You will miss England, i promise you that.



  9. Good reason to leave - Too any idiots from India ect trying to take over the place.

  10. Southern California.  It has the best weather and Mickey Mouse living at Disneyland.  Beaches and Mountains.

  11. No decent jobs over here, weather stinks, taxes high, price of living astronomical, noone can afford a house, Government treats us like sh*t, weather c**p, depressing. . .

    If I could go I would.  I shudder to think what sort of life my 19 month old son will have in this craphole of a country.  I wouldn't go as far as Australia, but maybe southern Europe somewhere - Greece or Spain or somewhere like that.  Somewhere hot . . .

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