
Any good riddles and brainteasers?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know interesting riddles? and please write the answer, tnx




  1. if you cant act. but you can act like you can act. can you act?


    if the answer to this question is the question then what is the answer this question


    whats black wen u buy it red when you use it and gray wen u throw it away


    lee is from china. lee's parents have 5 kids. the  first 4 kids are le,lo lu la then wat is the 5th

           good luck the answers are below

  2. How many babies does it take to paint a house?

    It depends on how hard you throw them!

  3. You are trapped in a room and there is almost no way out. the only item you have is a baseball do you get out?the answer is below.

    swing the bat 3 times and your out.

  4. from the top of my head I would say

    what gets wetter as it drys ?

    a towel !!

    what is it that you can't see or smell but feell ,?

    the wind !!

    what is somehting that one person can't own and two can share and lastes a life time  ?

    friendship (:

  5. Why did the football coach go to the bank?

    to get his quarterback

  6. A man is pushing a red car when he stops at a hotel, pays $200 and then keeps pushign his car...

    Why did he pay the hotel money and then leave?

    It's a game of monopoly!

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