
Any good suggestion about how to use the restroom?

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I am 10 weeks to day and I having trouble going number 2. I have tried juice and fiber and still can't go. Please help me. I am pain because of it.




  1. My doctor told me to use colace 2 times a day. You can get that over the counter at like rite aid or walmart, its suppose to soften your bowels and make it easier to go...that helped me some. eating fresh fruits and drinking lots of water helps also. Hope this information helps cause i know how you feel but its just a symptom us pregnant women have :)

  2. I heard grating up a raw beet and eating some of it will be very successful.

  3. At this point (10 days) e***a is the answer, once you start moving your bowels you can start taking something orally. at this point you need to work from the bottom first and you may need to use an e***a for a couple of days. In the future don't let it go for more then a couple of days.

  4. I've found five prunes a day keeps things moving fairly well! It will take a day or two to kick in, however. You might speak with your doctor about what over the counter medications (i.e. Miralax) would be safe for you to take. I wouldn't use an e***a without first speaking to your doctor because they sometimes contain stimulants and can cause a lot of cramping, which could be scary when you're pregnant. It's always better safe than sorry!

  5. ennema

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