
Any good suggestions for conserving energy?

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im joining this program called LEAF and we're trying to help the enviroment. we all need an idea on how to improve the school to help the enviroment. any suggestions?




  1. don't use air con use the windows to let wind come in and cool you off

  2. Regulate air conditioning: not too hot/cold: 78 in summer and 68 in winter

    Buy energy-efficient compact fluorescent bulbs

    have a drive to cut down on packaging waste: (buying materials made out of recycled materials, less packaging, etc)

    Don't Leave Things Turned On: turn off lights/computers/etc when not in use

  3. well just turn off lights your not using. and idk the rest

  4. if thier are windows in the classroom, encourage shutting off the flourecent, and using sunlight instead.

    oh and, we recycle glass to reduce landfill space, not because were running out of sand.  

  5. Plug all your electronic devices into a power strip and then turn the power strip off when not in use.

    Your TV, stereo, phone chargers, etc. all have a phantom load, meaning they still consume power when they plugged in, even if they are switched off. When you flip the switch on the extension cord you are physically preventing your electronic devices from using power.

    This is a great way to save power and its much easier than unplugging everything by hand. I have been doing this for about a year and I noticed the savings immediately.

    Spread the word and cut the waste!

  6. If you're looking for projects to do at school, you can start or improve the recycling programme- make sure each classroom has a recycling bin and that people know what can go in them.  You can also talk to the cafeteria workers to see if you can help them conserve water and energy through alternative washing up and cooking habits, like not running washers until they're completely full, using the oven for more than one thing at a time, not leaving an empty oven on or the sink water running, etc.  Also see if it'd be possible to purchase biodegradable plates and utensils (this is just one company that makes them  Talk to students about using reusable water bottles (like Nalgenes) to reduce the number of plastic bottles going to landfills.  You can go to a plant nursery and have the staff help you pick out good trees and shrubs that you can put in front of windows, which will reduce your heating/air conditioning needs by insulating the building in the winter and blocking out the sun in the summer.

    Good luck!

  7. 1. recycle, reduce, reuse

    2. when it is cold, turn your thermostat a few degrees cooler and in the heat turn your thermostat a few degrees warmer. but in the cold, dress in layers, and in the hot, dress in light layers

    3. don't let faucets leak

    4. use fronts and backs of paper

    5. carpool and try to use your car less

    6. don't waste food

    There are lots more but these are basic ones

  8. well why don't keep it close to home. Recycling your green waste and use as compost.

    if it's really focused on energy thinks about solar heating, run some lights or a fountain on solar energy, build a fuel cell etc

  9. Hi

    Im not sure what Leaf is??

    there are so many scams out about the inviroment

    one of the biggest scams is recycling paper and glass, recycling paper does more harm to the inviroment then it does good, because of the chemicals used to bleach the paper and it uses more energy then to produce new paper, and for every tree cut down to make new paper 10 are  replanted.

    has for glass, why recycle glass is the world running out of sand? only a small amount of used glass (called Cullet) is used in the manufacturing of new glass, the rest ends up in a tip, same has paper the cost would be better spent on cleaning up water ways and making better sewage treatment plants

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