
Any good suggestions regarding colon cleansing?

by Guest33745  |  earlier

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I don't know if I've been stressed out or what but I'm just not regular anymore and thought maybe a colon cleanse would fix me up. Any suggestions?




  1. Stress will certainly do it. Try meditation or breathing exercises to relax, then be sure to eat plenty of fruit and fiber while drinking plenty of water each day. If these new habits don't move things along quick enough for you, you could try a supplement like bowtrel. I found it at Good luck to you.

  2. Ampules of artichoke do the trick for me. In fact, I don't think you have to go as far as colon cleansing, unless a doctor's investigation is at hand. Just a good colon flora is enough: having a smooth digestion.

  3. like milk of magnesia, except not as strong,

    magnesium citrate pills would work

  4. Milk of Magnesia works really good.  Once you do that you might try Yoplait Yo +  It helps regulate the digestive system and therefore keeps everything going smoothly.

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