
Any good things to do with kids while babysitting?

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I am babysitting a 7 and 6 year old and need some good things to do with them like arts and crafts or other things so please give me your ideas!!




  1. At that age, they are pretty self-reliant.  I'd say let them do what they normally do for play at home and just offer a few times to play along.  If they are playing a video game, ask if you can play a round or two, they might like that.  

    As a mother of kids around that age, that is what my kids like.  And if the kids like you, they'll tell their parents and the parents will ask you back.

    As someone who used to babysit children that age when I was a teen, they liked that too and the parents always ask back a sitter who is involved with the kids instead of sitting on the phone or doing homework.  Also, throw in a sink of dishes if need be and the parents are sure to ask you back.

  2. There are a bunch of Craft Ideas and directions here:

    Craft Kits -

    Other ideas are to make pet treats

    Dog Treat Recipes -

    Or if you are into organic these are directions for organic recipes that could be a great craft.

    Organic Recipes -

    Have fun!


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