
Any good tips for hitting a baseball like how to be reallly good?

by  |  earlier

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only answer if u know




  1. Don't swing at anything outside of your hitting zone (the onl place you can drive the ball). When the ball is pitched in your zone, swing with all your might and put the barrel of the bat on the ball. Make sure you transfer your wait from back to front to get momentum and follow through solidly. Within a month, you should see a significant difference and your stats will begin to go up.

    Hope thats the answer your looking for mate.

  2. hit on the barrel and dont hit anything inside

  3. As stupid as it may sounds, this is the best thing you can think of when batting:

    "See the ball, hit the ball" thats all ya need, oh & a whole lot of practice.

  4. Practice

  5. Develop  a batting stance that allows you to strike the ball cleanly.

    Swing as much as you can and go to the batting cages if you may.

    Practice your swing in front of a mirror so that your technique always stays with you.

    And most importantly play baseball as often as you possibly can and see how you fare against pretty decent pitchers.

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