
Any good tips to share on the underhand serve in volleyball?

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At my school we can only serve underhand and I'm horrible!! I really wanna get better but need some good tips.




  1. If you are right handed:

    You will start with your right foot forward and hold the ball with your left hand. The ball can not move out of your hand until you hit the ball with your right hand. The ball must stay still on your left hand at all times (do not throw or drop the ball). Step forwad with your left foot and swing your right hand (closed fist) with your finger tips up at the ball. So make a closed fist and wrist and finger tips up to make a flat surface.

    If you are left handed:

    Do the opposite for footwork.  You would start with your left foot forward. And so one.

  2. Alrite, first, you put your right foot back and left in front, like a stradle, then, hold the ball out in front of you, make your other hand in a fist, then swing your hand back, and hit the ball. Waatever u do, do NOT throw the ball up and hit it underhand. =)

  3. here are some tips

    hit the ball out of ur hand DO NOT THROW OR DROP IT

    swing ur weight into it to hit it farther

    and make sure u know where u r otherwise u might step over the line and have to give the ball to the other team and a point

  4. I would not recommend a step.  Or a fist.  

    If you are right handed, start with your left foot forward.  PLANT your right foot.  Be ready to push with your right foot.  Do not step with your right foot.  The power will be provided by planting your foot and the muscles in your body.  If you step with your right foot, your only power will be in your arm.  You will be working against your rest of your body.  

    Bend your knees.  You want the ball going low over the net.  

    Hit the ball with your palm.  Flat palm.  Hit the ball sharply in the middle.  You want the ball to float.  It is much harder to pass.  If the ball has any spin, you did not hit the middle of the ball in the back.  

    Hold the ball in your left palm.  At the last second, just move your hand out of the way.  As stated above, do not toss the ball.  Just leave the ball in place in the air and hit it.

    I also recommend starting at the 10 foot line.  Make 5 serves from there.  Take 1 step back and make 5 from there.  Take 1 step back and make 5 from there.  Until you are at the line.  Part of your problem might be that your mind says that you can not make the serve over the net.  So your body says, OK I can not make the serve over the net.  Start close and get your serves over the net.  Keep moving back.  I would also start this way every day.  You want success to build.

  5. WoW! That's kinda stupid but if that's how they play? Well, just plant your feel and get some ark on it. You gotta get some power on it!

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