
Any good volleyball cheers? HELP!?

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Any good volleyball cheers? HELP!?




  1. YES

    cheesy a bit but good.

    for a block:

    the roof!

    the roof!

    the roof is on fire...

    we don't need no water

    let it burn

    let it burn

    for an ace:

    flatten out ur hands and like stick ur fingers together..

    put them at like right about ur forhead height. and with every word say: YOU GOT ACED... in like a manly movie tone.

    for a kill:

    ahhhHHHHH (getting louder) BAM!

  2. (for when you get an ace) ahhhh ace uno dos tres say what say what ace

  3. S-I



    Side out!

    *clap clap*

    -Team Name-

    *clap clap*

    -Team Name-

    *clap clap*

    Side out!

    We will, We will

    Rock you down, shake you up

    Like a volcano ready to erupt

    We are the -Team Name-, here to stay

    We're gonna rock you night and day!

    Na, na na na na, na na na na, na na na, na na na, na na na na

    UH! (Yell)

    *During the song you're suppose to do this: stomp stomp clap, stomp stomp clap, etc.

    Ooh, I can't think of anymore right now lol. I hope that helps.

  4. For a good play: We want another one just like the other one instant (clap clap) replay.

    Our team is What?: RED HOT

    Our team is what? RED HOT

    Our team is r-e-d with a little bit of h-o-t redhot

  5. Si Sid Sid Out Sideout [your team] clap clap

    stomp clap the beat the beat clap clap chest chest clap the beat the beat clap  

    [your team] got the point u know u know ex. cougars got the point u know u know.

    ex. 15 is her number clap her name is brianna clap clap shes been serving for abt clap....i dont know 4ever clap clap

  6. Crash by Gwen Stefani

    'back it up back it up'

    'you got it you got it'

    'put your hands up put your hands up put your hands up'

    'yea yea' 'you got it you got it'

    (for when the other team is serving so they hit it out of bounds)




    clap clap


    We are the (school mascot) and you know what we got.

    What do you got?

    WE got a team thats hotter than hot!

    How hot is hot?

    Bumps, sets and spiking too,

    Wooo Woo Woo Woo

    So hit the ball like the rest of us do!

    Our team is REDDD HOT

    Our team is REDDD HOT

    Our team is R-E-D-H-O-T RED HOTTT!

    Bump, Set, Spike

    That's the way we like to fight!

  7. O-V-E-R, Over the net (clap twice)

    Serve it, serve it

    Go (girl's name that's serving!




    Sideout XX (name of team)!

    Mustangs is our name,

    Volleyball is our game,

    Teal is our color,

    Black is the other,

    UH, You think you're bad,

    UH, We know we're bad,

    UH, You think you're bad,

    UH,trial please.

    (team name) are the very best,

    We know there is no other,

    For anyone who disagrees,

    We say (clap clap) WHATEVER!

    Alright, alright, alright, alright, hey!

    (clap, clap, clap clap clap, clap,clap, clap clap clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)



    We're Bad,

    We've got the game,

    We can't be had,

    We're the best,

    Our Teams too cool,

    We've got the Stuff,

    To rock your School!

    Go ________ GO!

    We've got the power to be #1,

    Through the rain, the snow, and the very warm sun,

    We are the (name of team)and we know what's best

    From the North to the South, to the East to the West.

    Gooooo Paaanthers!

    (Crescendo)= Low to high to low again

    V-is for victory

    I SAID V-is for victory

    Slice that V

    Dot that i

    Rock that C-T-O-R-Y

    We are the (school mascot) and you know what we got.

    What do you got?

    WE got a team thats hotter than hot!

    How hot is hot?

    Bumps, sets and spiking too,

    Wooo Woo Woo Woo

    So hit the ball like the rest of us do!

    Ace: Stomp stomp clap stomp stomp clap stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp stomp ACE

    Other team hits ball out: 1, 2, Seeya

    Your team calls ball out and it's out:G-double o-d-e-y-e Goodeye Goodeye

    Spike: 1, 2 kaboom-boom

    Block: Captian yells BRICK everyone else yells wall!

    Bump, Set, Hit, Spike

    That's the way we like to fight!

    We're Gonna Bump, Set And Spike It

    'Cuz That's The Way We Like It

    We're Gonna Win!(clap)(clap)

    We want another one,

    Just like the other one

    Ace ace ace ace ace!

  8. 1.)a ace you got served

    2. )  bump set spike it thats the way we like it and repet that 2 more times and each time get louder then at the end say go whatever your team name is.

    3.)    you might be good at foot ball , you might be good at track but when it comes to volley ball you might as well step back(as you say that in a huddle you all step back) come on step back.

    4.) si



         side out

          clap ,clap

          what ever team name is

          (make sured to say it fast)

    any of theese would be good! but also you could even make up your own!!! or you and your team could all come up with one together!! and there are way more cheers but it would take for ever to write them down!

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