
Any good wakeboarding tips?

by  |  earlier

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I've wakeboarded about 5 times and all i can do is stay up and cross one side of the wake. are there any easy tricks i can do? and how do i cross the wake that the board isn't facing?

go here

its me wakeboarding if that helps




  1. you really need to keep your upper body more upright. your hips are back and the rope handle is being held too far away from your body, making you hunch over. act like you are  sitting in a chair. keep your shoulders back and your chest kinda poked out. concentrate on the handle being down by your hips. ti initiate a toe side turn you need to pressure your toes and twist your lead hip the direction you want to go. also shift your weight slightly forward . your front knee should be bent, not pegged out.  practice that, then learn switch, then try tricks.

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