At this time, Im disapointed to own a wii. I havent bought a good wii game since Brawl, and even before Brawl its been a while. All the wii games i think suck now. They're all Movie games and partygames. I dont know if im willin to keep this longer because i have been offered to sell my wii and save with a friend for the ps3.
There aint no good adventure games like LoZ.
Or there aint no good Sim games like Animal Crossing.
Im thinkin of gettin Okami and Resident Evil UC because there the only interesting looking games out there 4 me. Are these games any good?
Tell me, are there any exciting games coming out soon?
lol im still waitin on a starfoxwii game, but god knows when that wilol ever come out. It would be awesome to fly the arwings with the wii.