
Any great birthday dates ideas?

by  |  earlier

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my girlfriend is turning 20 and I dont want the ordinary date. I want ideas like comedy club, live band, or anything out the blue that she will not suspect. nashville, tn.




  1. Plan a party, us women always say we don't want this are that but we really do and when you try to do what we ask we get mad. Just did this last weekend to my husband. Invite friends over for a party then take her some where nice that night.

  2. here's some stuff i found. i hope you like at least one thing.

  3. Deffenitely take her to see stand up comedy.

    I took my girlfriend to see a stand up show on her birthday and we had a great time. A live band would be great too but it would be harder to time that with her birthday.

  4. See if there's a Murder Mystery Dinner somewhere ... those are REALLY fun!  ....  Your local newspaper might know of one, or check the Sunday entertainment section

  5. you should get her a very 'private' gift if you know what i mean. girls LOVE vibrators. it may be ackward at first, but you should get her the pink bunny one, its popular and it doesnt even closely look related to s*x. but it is.

  6. go to like a rodeo!

    thats what they have there!

  7. mybe u can take her on a road trip and play a cd in the car of her favortie songs and spend some time away from ur home .

  8. It depends what she is into.  I will check back in five minutes add some things she loves and some of her interests, I'll see what I can do!

  9. Do what her wildest hopes and dreams are.

  10. from the ideas you posted I'm guessing you and your g/f enjoy getting out and having fun ........taking advantage of everything the social scene has to offer......

    do you know how to cook? does she have a favorite meal that you make? why not start the night off with a homecooked meal for her(you could even make it a picnic right in your living room with candles, a nice glass of wine),  maybe treat her....and a couples massage....then hit the comedy club.........I like the vibrator idea someone else posted too you could always set the room up with candles, a few fun s*x toy things........maybe an adult game for when you get home from your night out......

  11. Date Ideas for a Birthday for any time of  year because I don't know the month...

    • Big Time Blowout: If your loved one is a people person, take her to a secret location and have a surprise party there waiting for her. Inviting friends and family can be a great way to make an excellent memory for them. Music, balloons, food, and great games can all be a way to remember your loved one’s special day.

    • Intimate Dinner for Two: If your significant other is not the big crowd type, a great way to commemorate a birthday occasion is to have an intimate dinner for two in a favorite restaurant. Additionally, if you are in the same city as you were when you first met, take your date to the same restaurant you went to for your very first date. Maybe take her to the place you went when you first became a serious couple Little reminders like this will make great impression on your sweetheart.

    • Intimate Dinner for Two II: Another romantic way to celebrate a birthday with a dinner for two is to play chef and cook an entire meal for your loved one. This will make an huge impact on her. Cooking for someone adds an intimate personal touch to dinner.

    • Use the 4 Seasons to your advantage:

    Winter: If your loved one’s birthday is in the winter time, take her on a sleigh ride pulled by Clydesdale horses. Grab a blanket and some gloves and take a romantic trot around a lit up city at night. There is nothing like snuggling close with your loved one to bring contentment and intimacy into the relationship. Bring a cup of hot chocolate along to complete the whole picture.


    Spring birthdays are terrific because a great birthday date is a picnic by a stream, in a park, on the beach, or in another natural setting. Pack sandwiches and chips or fried chicken and potato salad, hop in the car and head for the nearest place you can spread out a blanket. Add a bottle of good wine and you have an excellent romantic birthday date.


    Summertime birthdays are great because birthday dates can be boat rides on a lake, swimming, and many other summertime activities. Rent boat for your loved one’s birthday and take her on a tour of a local lake to spot wild life, or just to get a great tan.


    Fall birthdays are good too. My favorite fall birthday date would be to go for a walk through a forest where the leaves were distinctly showing color changes. This is a very romantic and intimate date, and a walk is the perfect way to get closer to your loved one.

    • Use your loved ones interests: Use your loved one’s interests to make a memorable night for her. For example, if she likes hockey, a great gift would be hockey tickets to a game with her favorite team. If your girl likes the theatre, get her dressed up and go to a show. Whatever you decide to do for your significant other’s birthday date, keep her personality in mind. The more thoughtful you are about a date for your loved one’s birthday, the more appreciative they will be toward the obvious effort you made to make a special event out of their special day.

    Make sure her entire day is special. If she has to work that day, be sure to send her flowers or an email/text that gives her a clue about what’s in store for her that evening. The whole point here is to keep her on her toes!

    A summer birthday girl may love a day at the fair or amusement park

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