
Any great fund raising ideas?

by  |  earlier

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I am doing a bake sale and garage sale already to assist with my fund raising so I can walk in a local 3 day 50 mile walk for Multiple Sclerosis Society.

I am also making really cute awareness bracelets. Any other ideas?




  1. Walk around door to door, asking people to pay money to smash an egg on your head. I know it sounds crazy but it works. Since your fund raiser is so odd, people will actually listen to what your cause is. More often than not, they will donate to you and tell you to keep the egg.

  2. how about making some lemonade, like a lemonade stand i know kinda corny lol, umm sorry, hope this helped a lil though.

  3. If you (or your parents) have Sam's Club membership you could get boxes of candy bars there and bottled water that you can sell at pretty good markup. I think that (locally, at least) the water costs about $0.35 per bottle and the candy bars about $0.26 and you can sell each for about a dollar.

    You could do it in conjuction with your bake sale, if you wanted. Make sure the water is cold and stays cold while your selling it.

    Maybe you could ask for donations somewhere, as it is going to charity? I'm not sure. You could definatly ask your friends and family to donate, even if it's only a little.

  4. net baby blankets,make beef tacos, tamales, snow cones.

  5. In my high school orchestra, we would write fanmail to hundreds of celebrities and ask for an autographed photo for the annual Celebrity Autograph Auction. It's pretty simple, and you don't spend that much money. Although it is kind of hard to get a lot of them to write back, we've had PHENOMENAL celebrities send us singed pictures, memorablia, merchandise etc...

    Some of the celebrities who have written back include:

    Ben Stiller, Oprah Winfrey, Tony Montana, Destiny's Child, Pharrell Williams, Pamela Anderson, Kareem Abdul Jabbar Isabel Allende, Elie Wiesel.

    It's pretty cool. Except you have to be realllly careful at decoding which autgraphs are authentic and which ones are from a printer.

    It's a bit of a hassle,  and I suggest having a really organized group of people set up the auction. Finding the fanmail addresses shouldn't be too hard

    try this website it has a TON of addresses:

    This is a fund raiser that takes months and months to really build up but it is well worth it in the end!

    If you really are interested be sure to make flyers, and let EVERYONE know.

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