
Any grocery store managers out there. Why don't grocery stores take back plastic bags?

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I'm sure they would not want to reuse them right off, but it seems they could work out a deal with a company that recycles. Then people could take their old bags to the store when the went back. Some stores may have this, but the one I go to does not.




  1. if there is a giant eagle close to you, they have a recycle bin out front for plastic bags.

  2. you just answered your own question ,who knows what other people may have put in the bags stores in our city tried it having a recycling container for returned bags put you know it sick bast@@ds would put dog c**p and other debris in the bags and into the bins so stores had to stop the return.If you don't like the bags take your own to the store or better yet use a canvas bag or plastic tote box and refuse the store bags

  3. Hmm, lots of stores seem to have recycling containers for bags.  Have you talked to the manager of the store?

  4. All the grocery stores here DO take them back..they have large bins for people to return them to.  I thought all stores did this.

  5. why dont you take your old bags back to the store and use them again yourself?

  6. My grocery store used to do that. They used to have a bin out and you could drop of old bags on your way in, making it really simple for shoppers but they stopped. worrying about what had been in the bags wasn't an issue because you were never given used bags. I believe what happened was the were collected and reused to make other bags. I can't be sure i was pretty young at the time. It was a good idea and i never understood why it stopped. If you really feel strongly about it why don't you go to your grocery store and ask them about it?

    as far as i know all the bags were just thrown away in the end but i like to think at the very little it may have stopped some people from just throwing them into the streets

  7. I do reuse my bag, those that has raw meat, i use them as a trash bag right away, normally thrashing other trash from the kitchen.

  8. walmart does.  As you walk in the door there is a box set up in the middle of the 2 sliding doors.

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