
Any hard science questions?

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so i need to stump my science teacher for a grade.

i get to ask him 2 questions about science (just science in general, basically anything)

i am having a hard time figuring out good questions & the answers to them.

any ideas?

i definatley need the answers with the questions tho.

[he grades it like this: stump him x2 - A stump him x1 - B stump him x0 - C or lower]




  1. What is the generally accepted explanation for how a short gamma ray burst is formed?  (The merging of two neutron stars.)

    How old is the universe and according to which instrument?  (13.7 billion years, according to the WMAP instrument.)

    What is the ionization energy of a hydrogen atom?  (That means how much energy you need to pull off the only electron.  It's 13.6 electron volts.)

  2. What planets in the solar system has water been discovered on?  (All of them).

    Has water been discovered on the Moon? (Yes - in Apollo lunar material - this is a recent find).

    What is the nearest planet? (Earth)

    What is the next nearest planet to the Earth currently?  (Mercury)

  3. ok this is tough i had a few teachers that tryed this  but they made it impossible to aswer but hard science q's eh hmmm When KCl is put into solution (aka added to purified water) and a slight current is added what precipitates form at the cathode and anode?

    It can not be straight K because it would explode in water. It is a very bright blue's converting to potassium hydroxide (KOH). There should also be hydrochloric acid (HCl) being produced also.

  4. Ask him how many states of matter there are currently thought to be, and what they are.

    There are actually many more states of matter than just solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Check the wikipedia entry for a list (I'm sure your teacher won't require you to understand them all - just know a few of the more interesting ones):

    Ask him what an aerogel is.

    It is a low-density solid-state material derived from gel in which the liquid component of the gel has been replaced with gas, and has some unusual properties.

  5. I learned how to ask good questions in school:

    level 1 questions (information): Describe and observe what your questioning. Example: why is that bull pink?

    level 2 (processing): Ask to compare and contrast something. Example: How does this compare to your everyday life in a modern society?

    level 3 (Application): Ask the answerer to predict, imagine and judge, if something were to happen. Example: How do you think the native Americans would feel, if they saw what has become of their land?

    Oh yeah and my question for him would be, "How does the human see?" I know that there's sensors in the back of the eye ball that turns it into signals into the brain, but how does it become seen all inside our head, if its just signals. But, if that aint  good enough for ya, try to use the three levels of questioning to make your own question.

  6. 1. How did life begin on earth? - no one knows the answer but it's a good question.

    2. What is the only living organism that does not produce nitrogenous waste - the aphid (it has a special type of bacteria that consume nitrogen in it's intestines).

  7. ask him about the meaning of life.

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