
Any harry potter fans out there???

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Who's your favorite character and why??? well mine is tonks beacause she is funny and smart.




  1. I am a Harry Potter maniac!my favourite characters are the Weasley family.they are ausome!

  2. Fred, Sirius and Lupin which is just a bit depressing considering how all of their fates turned out. Sigh.

  3. yes my friend oscar is a big fan and has a harry potter keychain

  4. I loved the Weasley twins :( so sad....

  5. Mine is Sirius because he seems tough.

  6. Mad-eye Moody.  Give me a character with a magical eye that detects just about everything that is going on around him--and a blunt, brusque attitude to boot.

  7. hermione because shes smart.

    i luv harry potter, but i never have time 2 read all the books. (i've only read the first 4)

    they really are great books thought, and J. K. Rowling has the best ideas!!

  8. I like Hermione because she always speaks her mind and always has good ideas. I also like Hagrid because he always just wants to help =]

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