
Any haunted homes in Decatur, Ga?

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Also, what about Savannah Ga.?

I would think that many really haunted places would be more in the well as in Europe...but, I realize that they are nearly everywhere..even in Hawaii!!

If you have or think of other cool places...besides sending me ghost sites..I would appreciate this can also email stories if you want....

I tell ghost stories..and I like to make up my own.... as well.I get inspired by true stories..and also ones that people make up!!

Thanks a lot!!




  1. Sorry, I am in North Carolina not Georgia, but I will tell you a story my Grandmother said happened to her when she was  a young woman.  

    My Grandma lived in West Frankfort, Ill. by a coal mine that was shut down due to an explosion which killed a bunch of miners.  She said odd things happened all the time in the little house my Dad grew up in.  She loved to tell us ghost stories.  I think that is where my interest came from.  Anyway, one of the stories that actually happened to her is...

    My Grandma was 5 months pregnant.  One night while she was sleeping something woke her up.  She looked at the end of her bed and saw a white glowing orb.  She said it stayed at the end of the bed she was in for a long time and she just stared at it.  She said while she watched it she suddenly knew the orb was there to tell her she would miscarry the baby.  And a few days later she did miscarry.  She said she was not afraid of the orb, it was almost as though it was trying to comfort her while it was also warning her of her loss.

  2. I moved here from Ohio in the 70's and my family moved to Decatur Ga.  Our house wasn't old, but it was definatly haunted. My Mother was the main one who heard things.  This isn't made up, it happened to me.  I was around 14 at the time.  I'm in my 40's now.  This was about 1977.

    My room was down the hall and my sister's room was next door.  One night I was doing homework and my closet door was opened.  It kinda looked like something was glowing.  Not obviously, but kind of.  I decided to tell the spirit to leave my Mother alone.  And let it know that I wasn't afraid of it.  I went and sat on my bed and had a small desk lamp in my hand.  I didn't hear a voice, but believed I was questioned - "Why aren't you afraid?"  I said as long as I have the desk light, I'm not afraid.  Then I heard a noise and the light went out.  I screamed of course.  My sister finally heard me and she was scared.  She hollered through the door if I was ok?  I yelled at her to open the door.  She was so frightened she said she'd get my Mom and Step Dad.  Yea, so I had to suffer in the dark alone.  Then my Mom and Step Dad came to the door and opened it.  I told them I'd heard a noise and the light went out.  My Step Dad looked at the plug prongs and they were bent!  He suggested I pulled it out by mistake.  I told him I was on the edge of the bed next to the outlet holding the lamp and it didn't fall or anything.  It was ripped out hard because the prongs were bent very sideways.  I learned not to provoke a spirit.  And by the way they're not afraid of lights.  I'm a Christian and I believe the proper answer is God and Jesus.  Anyway more things happened, if you want to know more you can contact me.  I lived off of Wesley Chapel Rd. in a subdivision.

  3. Not to be snarky, but as far as I know they're all made up.  That doesn't mean they can't be fun and entertaining though.

  4. I suggest you look at the web site listed below.

    The author Dennis Hauck also has a book "National Directory of Haunted Places" that is available in many libraries and book stores. It's his web site.

  5. ohh im scared already.!!!

  6. well unless you find someone here from those towns in georgia, your gonna have a hard time with anyone here knowing of haunting in gerogia without the net.

  7. ghost are every were in this planet ,so even in an igloo in the

    Antarctic must be haunted

  8. I can't answer for Decatur, but they have a haunted tour in Savannah. You can check on the net for times and dates, as well as the places they visit during the tour.

    Good luck, and I hope you see something on the tour.

  9. there was one in Stockbridge, GA but it was demolished, such a sad thing.

    i would look into LA.

    Voodoo seems to atract that kinda stuff.

  10. When I lived in Atlanta( I had an Atlanta address but lived in the Emory area)there was one house that was notorious for its activity.  It was used as a private residence at the time and I am sure that it still is today, so that is all the detail I am willing to give you as far as location.  However at one time it was used as a home for children that was effected by(sorry I don't know the correct medical term) water that surrounded the brain and caused the head to swell.  Medicine at that time is not what it is today and those children were put away, thought to be retarded.  Most lived very lonely lives, grew up and died there without any love or family support.

    As far as Savannah, it is known as the most haunted city in America.  All you really have to do is visit.  The locals are glad to share all their stories with you and will point out many many places.

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