
Any help? ASAP no comments on how pathetic i am i KNOW, just give me advice please.?

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Ive already asked this but i need better suggestions, so HERE IT IS....

I'm 13 and..idk my new house just feels weird we've been living here for about a year, and i always feel sudden feelings terror when I'm here alone, what really freaked me out is one day i was walking with my best friends who had just came from the bathroom in my house and she said "idk is just when I'm up there alone and coming from the bathroom i just get this sudden feeling to run away from someone bad" and what freaked me out is that's EXACTLY how i feel and i never told ANYONE because i thought i was being stupid so naturally i dont want to be here ALONE when i wake up or go to be, my brother just went to college and my mom and her bf have early morning jobs, which means waking up alone, and spending the day ALONE, and i already never liked being alone and I'm...scared, and i TRIED to tell my mom PART of it i told her i was scared and i wanted to bring in one of our 3 big dogs from out side or to get like a tiny dog to be there when i wake up in the mornings for me and she wont let me any help??? i even offered to pay for the new dog and EVERYTHING the dog needs, food, water, toys, treats EVERYTHING because i have a job, that pays enough that this would be possible...HELP PLEASE

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3 days ago

um everyone knows blessings TICK GHOSTS OFF & i NEVER my friend ANYTHING because of how stupid i know i would sound, so she didnt know ANYTHING she didnt know till just recently i even had a problem, & i would ALWAYS have time for my dog, in my world my geniapig & my dogs ARE my LIFE i love him however putting him in my room wouldn't help b/c that would torture him he likes seeing whats going on with everyone & being social plus hes in a cage hes just a trapped as i am im not psycho i dont need therapy, i want a dog because itll make me feel like im not alone & safe.& i would ALWAYS take care of it even when im not alone b/c i know if i get it its MY responsibility ...but she wont let me get 1 or bring 1 in i want to like save 1 from death row at a shelter or something & NO i dont know..or remember my dad he dosent want me he made that clear & im not #2 im like #4 because of her bf & my bro & work & BLAH dose anyone have a better idea? & i already planed out everything for my college...prices, colors, classes, bus routs ill need i even know for the most part where all my classes will be, so yeah....that isn't gonna help!




  1. this will sound weird, but seriously pray or have a priest come and pray over it- i dont know where you are getting that ghosts are ticked off by blessings (movies possibly?) but that really isnt true. ive had that weird feeling like someone is in the room with you, watching you, just waiting there, and the only thing that could get it to go away was to pray and tell it to go away in the name of jesus. if you think im crazy thats ok, but try it- im sure that if there is a spirit it will leave.

  2. call the people at paranormal state and they will come clear up your spirit problem

  3. well try telling your mom again. i mean if you explain to her how scared you are i'm sure she'll understand.

    and it might just be all in your head, you might just not like the house and you convinced yourself something is wrong with it without really even realizing it. but if your really scared and talking to you mom doesn't work, go out and get something like a cross, or a bible, (if your christian or catholic). or try finding something like a little water fall or something like bamboo and put it in the south end of your room, it will calm you down, supposively accoding to 'feng shei" or w/e it is.

    good luck :]

  4. I kno how u feel. I use to feel that way in my old house. heres some options.

    -if upstairs freaks u out, ask to move ur room

    -sleep w/music on

  5. Pathetic?  Not bloody likely because you are already advanced in responsibility.  Do you consider yourself a sensitive or other category of paranormal/psychic category member?  I see highly organized, well above average in intelligence and therefore able to at least be open to suggestions of researching  less traditional informational resources.  I was an "indy" thinker as yourself at the advanced age of 14 before the internet was available, but found some help from Pagan friends advisories even though I was at the time a cradle Catholic.  You can find a rather gentle information site and new outlook perhaps at where they still will respond to personal questions and refrain from insisting you donate or join their creed and you can do it discreetly through your Yahoo account if parents own the computer.  Continue to ask until you get a usable answer.

  6. Did this all just start when you moved to this house or just recently? Are you under a lot of stress? Stress can and anxiety can cause some of these feelings. Sounds like you may have not dealt with the move very well. Changes in life are always hard. I don't deal with them that well the older I get. I need stability and so do children.

    You would think your Mother would be more understanding and allow you to bring in one of the dogs or allow you to have something to help you feel safer. I understand. I use to feel so alone once my sister moved out and my parents were gone.

    Hang in there and hope your Mom will come around and find some ways to help solve your problem of feeling lonely. Also talking it out with a school counselor or doctor can help you find the root of all these feelings.  

  7. Just calm down. There is no such things as ghosts, and it is just your imagination. That feeling you get when you leave the bathroom is fear, trust me, I have had it before. You may feel like the bathroom is creepy or something and want to get out of there as fast as you can.

    What I always say that calms me down is "Whatever happens, happens."  

  8. My suggestion would just be to take a few deep breaths, then get up and do whatever you need to do.  Sing a song, whistle a tune, or do whatever calms you down just to relax.  

    If that doesn't help, try explaining it to your mom again.  Maybe work out a financial plan for the dog, and she will realize how serious you are about the feeling you get when you're in the house alone and consider a dog.  If that doesn't help, go see your guidance counselor and talk to him/her about it.  They could probably work out some solutions and talk to your mom about it, as well.  I hope I helped!  


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