
Any help! I can not find a wedding venue!?

by  |  earlier

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I live in sonoma valley ca

We don't want a winery because it is like 30,000 site fee

I'm looking for a private home of estate and have had no luck.

any help or ideas would be great. thanks.




  1. If you want a private home, I would advise you to contact a real estate agency. They know the landscape of homes in your area, and would likely be able to advise you on where to look.

    And perhaps consult a wedding planner. If you're not willing to hire one, they may be willing to just refer you to some venues for free. Who knows, you may catch them on a good day. It's worth a try :)

    Also, ask vendors if they know of anywhere. While you're arranging for flowers from your florist or arranging your catering plans, ask them if they know of any private estates for a wedding.

    Also, try just searching around on the internet! I just typed in private estate weddings and was able to find these two links for your area:

    EDIT - OOO! And if you still want a winery, check this place out:

    They rent for $10,000! That's less than the other winery you were looking at! And it looks so picturesque!

    Best wishes to you for a happy and healthy marriage!

  2. Here is one that does NOT cost $30,000.

    And this church says on their website that everyone is welcome

    Here is another option

    More options?

    Here, the Sunday afternoon package is $4300

    A quick google search revealed these sites.  I think you just need to look a bit harder.  Hope this helps!

  3. Try putting an ad on craigslist.....

  4. Have you considered looking into the hotels in the area? I am sure that some of them might be cheaper...

    Our friends had their wedding at The Fairmont in Sonoma and it was lovely.

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