
Any help please? will be apriciated.?

by Guest33360  |  earlier

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I am going to community college, and In my drawing 1 class, the professor told us to draw psychological space. We have had to find any place we want in the college where we will have to draw it. I found a place, where is stairs go up with a door in a right and there are bricks. Upstairs is a light. Like stairs go down. He told us to write what kind of emotion do you see. I asked him and he told me it can be human emotion. What kind of emotion do you think he meant and what is a motion of my description. Thanks.




  1. Just go with your heart.

    You're learning so if you get it wrong that's okay --it's a process. . .

  2. Your description to me sounds like someone making a desicion on the morality of their life, down the stairs into the abyss or up to the light of truth and goodness.

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