
Any help to lead me in the right direction on a older Game set?

by  |  earlier

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I have a older game set which my father aquired some where in Europe during WW2.I have had no luck through out the years getting it identified or its value.I have identified it to several appraisers but they told me they had no clue.It is in a Leather covered case and includes a chess set which looks partly machined because there are multiple pices screwed together,checker set,Playing board,domino set,spinning dice like items,many assorted different color chips in their individual trays,dice,wooden rolute wheel and ball,2 sets of cards, dishes for the chips ,lead pens,pencils and pads of playingscore cards.Any body able to lead me in the right direction so I can get it identified and find its value would be great.




  1. The scoring cards could be for bridge.  One place that comes to mind is the Antiques Roadshow people if you could make contact with them somehow.  They always seem able to identify things.  Another option is to find an auctioneer - often they know all kinds of things about old things.   I would also try making some contacts at senior citizens homes and see if someone there can identify it and maybe give you a lead.  Best of luck.

  2. Maybe check with an antiques store or appraiser.

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