
Any help with diagnoses of my daughter? Please ;-( PLEASE !!!?

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My 3 year old ( 3 years and 4 months old ) girl was always very healthy, really perfect health. We live in Florida and she spends lot of time with me in the our community pool ( really clean, but still...maybe full of bacteria, who knows...) I just think, she's got sick from it. On Sunday ( last week ) she just said, her belly hurst ( we were leaving pool at that time ) and she throw up right away. Then she was ok for rest of the day and the night. Next day she had a low fever around 100,throw up one more time and complaining about her belly. My husband took her to ER that evening- doctor said , she has a lymphodenatophy ( she had a bumb behind her right ear for a month , but no other symptoms of infection ) and otitis media ( the same ear ). When they got back from ER, she had a fever 104 ;-( we started with antibiotics, medicine for fever and pain (Motrin ) and I put a cold towel around her belly. Next day she had a mouth with a few sore ...something and really red and painful gums. Could it be from high fever? Yesterday my husband took he to ER again ( I was with a baby at home )- and they said, she has herpangina ( I never heard about this before ). She has problem with eating , because it hurts so bad...;-(, I am trying very hard to make her drink. She cries a lot during the day, because her gums hurts. Why do you thinks, she is so sick? Could it be immunity problem? She was always perfect health...She has only sometimes sensitive skin, like baby eczema...any advices, how I can help her with relieving of her pain? It's just breaking my heart. Please, write me everything you know about it or you have a similar experience. Thanks.




  1. oh my gosh, im sorry to hear that. i dont know really what to do. but i was born with immunity problems too. i had to use many antibiotics and treatments for my skin. i recommend talking to a doctor about her symptoms and see if there are treatments for her.

    god bless.  

  2. OMG I know what it is but i forget the name!!!

    My brother contracted it when he was 5. It is from swallowing pool water that has the virus in it!!

    Usually there is a very high fever, and sores and little things that appear as warts in the mouth and throat.

    I wish i could remember the name

    im sorry

    iss try and look it up

    if i remember i will come back on and tell you

  3. She might have an allergy to gluten as well.  Maybe you should try soft gluten free foods.

    I really hope that helps some.

  4. im not a doctor so i really cant help you with telling

    what the actual diagnosis is but my father is.

    i really wish that he was home at the moment.

    i woulnt take her to ER anymore.

    she needs a specialist, & fast.

    just dont panic! thats the worst thing a parent can do.

    stop taking her to the pool for now. make sure shes

    taking the meds/if the dr. prescirbed any.

    & keep her safe, also

    you need to find a specialist.

    it may be something reallly common but

    it may be something really serious.

    so whatever it is, you need to see one.

    i promise that everything will be alright in the end.

  5. i dont really know but i know an amazing doctor if you live in brandon or riverview or dove its doctor Lisa Rhoden shes amazing with kids!!!!!!  

  6. Wow.  I would say see a specialist instead of the ER visits.  Keep her filled with fluids, and her fever down.  I know it's not much advice, but could luck.  

  7. i think it would be best to call your doctor and ask them because you could know for sure what to do and not just what you think will work cause someone online swears they know what they're talking about that way you won't take any risks and you won't have doubts about if what you're doing is the right thing for your child. good luck and i hope your daughter gets better!  

  8. It's Probably Exactly As Your Doctor Told You, She Has Herpangina.

    Herpangina Is A Painful Mouth Infection, Sores Form At The Back Of The Mouth and Go From Macules, To Vesicles, Then Into Ulcers.  They Will Heal In 7-10 Days.  Do Not Give Her Aspirin.

    Symptoms Include: High Fever, Sore Throat.

  9. something similar happened to me.

    your daughter probably is run down and

    there is an infection in her lymphnods.

    my best advice is to keep her inside for a few day

    on "bed rest" and keep her killed up on fluids

    and hot soups. keep cold wraps close for her

    fever problem, and don't let her come in contact with

    a lot of bacteria. keep an antibacterial spray by her side, and

    just let the sickness run it's course. if you have an infection in your

    lymphnods it can mess up a lot of things. tru

  10. Try natural remedies. Look up immune support therapies. That's the best place to start. As long as you are supplementing her immune system, her body could fight off whatever it is. I have kids. I been through alot of stuff with them getting sick in the beginning years. I use to give them vitamin supplements. OJ, lemonade. small amounts of honey mixtures that contained garlic, echnicea, etc. also black cumin.

  11. I am sorry but I don't know. give her Tylenol or Motrin. when her fever is over 102 give her a warm/cold shower. when fever is above 100 a cold rag on her head. lots of bead rest. lots of fluids. When my stomach hurt Ritz crackers always help me. Ands take her to a specialist. hope this helps! email me if you have any more questions.

    in goggle map tipe in specialist in __________.

  12. i think it would be best if you kept her in the hospital for a while. im sorry shell be okay though. dont worry.

  13. im so sorry i cant really help but all i can say is that it has nothing to do with eczemema bc my whole family has eczema and nothing like that happened. give her popsicles constantly to numb the pain from her gums. i hope you find a good doctor. she could just have the flu/bug/a bad virus. give her a little bit of time but if the fever stays high you NEED to keep taking her to the doctor, its risky to have such a high fever. also childrens tylenol helps.

  14. im sorry i had the bumb behind my ear, for a long time. and it was huge but they go away by themselves. so no worry. but all the other stuff is scary go to the hospital and demand medical attention .. good luck and sorry plus mabey her gums are hurting from teething

  15. take her to a child pediatritan to get her looked at for the herpangina.

    Dont give her anything citrus like.

    Try giving her a cool cloth for her head and encorage her to tr popsiles. They are cool and will feel like a relief going down her throat.

    Herpangina is caused by a virus known as the "Coxsackie virus"

    It usually takes 3-6 days after exposure to become infected. We tend to see more cases of herpangina in the summer; the rise in herpangina cases we see each summer seems to be related to the weather.

    It usually takes 3-6 days after exposure to become infected. We tend to see more cases of herpangina in the summer; the rise in herpangina cases we see each summer seems to be related to the weather.

    How can you take care of your child?

    Throat pain relief

    Children over age 1 can sip warm chicken broth or apple juice. Children over age 4 can suck on hard candy (butterscotch seems to be a soothing flavour) or lollipops. Children over age 6 can gargle with warm water containing a little table salt or antacid solution.


    Offer a soft, bland diet to reduce the pain. Cold drinks and milkshakes are especially good. Avoid giving your child salty foods, citrus fruits, and foods that need much chewing. Encourage your child to drink favourite fluids to prevent dehydration. For very young children, give fluids by cup rather than from a bottle because the nipple can increase the pain.

    Fever and pain relief

    Give your child acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) for the sore throat or for a fever over 102°F (39°C).

    Common mistakes to avoid

    Avoid expensive throat sprays or throat lozenges. Not only are they no more effective than hard candy, but many also contain an ingredient (benzocaine) that may cause an allergic reaction.

    Antibiotics will not help a viral infection.

    When should you call your child's health care provider?

    Call during office hours if:

    the pain becomes severe

    your child can't drink enough fluids

    the ulcers last longer than 10 days

    you feel your child is getting worse




    A rise in body temperature above normal. "Normal" depends on how you measure your child's body temperature. If you measure by r****m (bum) or by ear, fever means a temperature over 38°C (100.4°F). If you measure by mouth, fever means a temperature over 37.5°C (99.5°F). If you measure in the armpit, fever means a temperature over 37.3°C (99.1°F).






    A disease, illness, or state that occurs when germs enters the body.






    A medication that prevents or cures bacterial infection. An antibiotic interferes with the growth of bacteria.



  16. Why do you keep taking her to the ER, take her to her Pediatrician! ER is not usually geared for children.

    She needs to have a professional in the field of child illness see her, get her to the Pediatrician.

    And just so you know, pools carry a host of horrible things because if the chemicals aren't used right, that makes all the difference. Also, people who put babies in pools with diapers are spreading disease by way of fecal and urine.  

  17. My daughter got sores in her mouth after having a fever on a off for a week. Just try to give her pedilyte so she can get hydrated. being hydrated is most important. Nothing with acid

    You can create a mouth "swish" that will take down the burn and numb her mouth so she is more comfortable. Buy Milk of Magnesia and Benadryl liquid. I believe the mix is 2-1. So 2 parts MOM and then 1 part Benadryl. (teaspoons) Take a cotton ball or even your clean finger and coat her mouth with it (dont worry she won't ingest that much) It MOM coats the mouth and protects it the Benadryl will take down the sting. You can do it a few times a day. It helped my daughter out so much because it gave her mouth time to heal and she was able to eat and drink pretty well (Stick with soft food, but once again liquids are most important)

    A mistake I have made and many parents have is too "treat" a fever. A fever is a good thing because it is killing what is causing the body to be sick. If she seems ok in general, I would avoid trying to bring down the fever. It actually may do more harm than good.

  18. My kids have had coxsakie viruses (like hand foot and mouth disease) it is one of the herpangia types of illnesses. It is a summer type virus and can be associated with lake swimming or contact with f***s. This makes it sound horrible, but really we can't easily avoid this if we want to be near people.

    It's also like a stomach virus and can cause a high fever and stomach pain.  

    You have to treat the fever when it is causing discomfort for the baby and pay attention to how the baby is and go back again to the er if she gets worse.

    It should be a short duration of sickness though and you need to keep her hydrated and feed non acidic foods (because of the mouth inflammation) when she's able to take them in.

    Bread and butter, soft boiled eggs, pudding (not citrus or yogurt). Don't give her orange juice or anything acidic or anything too salty.

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