
Any help with the PS3?

by  |  earlier

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i've been playing for 24 hours straight now LOL, do i have to sut it down and play in another while? PLZ 10 POINTS FOR BEST




  1. It is a good idea to shut it down or else it will crash due to overheating and you might lose your data or potentially damage the system. The PS3 overheats easily. If you want you can try to use a fan to circulate air and cool it down.

  2. You might need to give your PS3 a breather. If you overuse it like in your case, it will be a matter if time before it has some kind of hardware failure. I speak from personal experience since I used to do that (played COD 4 24/7) until it YLOD (Yellow Light of Death, hardware failure caused by overuse in a hot environment) on me. I recommend playing moderately (play couple of hours, a break, then play) or at least play in a well ventilated room (PS3 turns the room into a space heater if you close the room with no air, and has a higher risk of YLOD). A guide to prevent overheating and YLOD here:

  3. of course the ps3 will break if you dont give it a rest the ps3 breaks alot
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