
Any helpful tips on making a novel?

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Hi, I was just wondering if any kind souls out there would take the time to give some useful tips on writing a fantasy novel. My really nice & favorite cousin is writing a fantasy novel and I really want to help her as MUCH as POSSIBLE. The slightest ideas may help so please, anything at all. Thanks very much!




  1. Fantasy is fun - but very difficult, because you have to create a whole universe. You can help your cousin if you made a map of the city where the action is placed, complete with the street names she has used and the location of buildings, etc. And you can start a rap sheet on each of her characters so they don't have green eyes on one page and purple on the next.  

  2. keep ur eyes open all the time, any little thing can inspire you

  3. Just start with your idea, however small, whether it be a character or a location and take it from there.  

    World build to start:

    Who is your character?

    Where do they live?

    What does it look like?

    What are most peoples livelihood? etc

    From that you may be able to think of other characters.

    You need to think about how you're going to write in so far as, do you write in first person (I did this and that) or will you write so that you only know what the main character knows, or will the book jump so the reader knows about different characters and places that the main character does not?

    You need to decide on a second supporting character to the main character so you have dialog and the reader can understand what's going on (hence why The Doctor always needs his assistant).

    I always find the above the easiest.  But you still need an actual plot.

    Plot means problem.  Your characters will have to face one and overcome it.  This should hopefully be aided by your world building phase.

    You may well need a bad guy and you have to make the audience hate him or her.

    And red herrings and twists and turns are always good.

    Did that make any sense?  I could talk about this for hours lol x

  4. Almost all (if not all) authors have tips for aspiring writers, i would have your cousin check her favorite authors tips, and just tell her that shes going to hit road bumps but you'll keep pushing her along (that's my job for my best friend)

    Hope this helps!


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