
Any high schooler got some tips that will help me get straight a's?

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8th grader, failed first grade improved alot

B,C,D student

want to go to chapman ucla or usc but requires a 3.75 which i dont5 have

i have 3 years till i take the sat's i want to be prepared and get straight a's got any tips

Note:my spelling on here is my computer type, in school i type professionaly.

i have straight a's obviously right now since its the begining of school but i would like to keep it that way




  1. Yeah just pay attention in class and take notes. Don't s***w around as much in class and go in for help if you need to. Also study before you fall asleep the night before a test. I don't know the science behind it, but you remember stuff better if you study it right before sleeping.

    Good luck

  2. Study!  

    If you have a subject in which you are having difficulty, don't be afraid to seek out extra help from your teachers.  Make sure you have an organized plan for making sure your homework gets done every night.

  3. STUDY!

  4. Flash cards are definitely a good idea. Another idea is to get organized and stay organized. Have all of your folders for each class separate. You can organize this further by having designated areas for work to be turned in, work that you are "working" on, notes, and work that has been returned.

    Read your assigned reading twice. Once to skim over it and get a general idea of what it is about and the second time to really get all of the information in your brain. Take notes as you read. The first time through, write down important words or people that you see. The second time, add details to your notes. This is extreme but it helped me: type out your notes after you have written them. It helped me get the things I was learning into my long term memory (and it helped my friends if they had to miss a day because my handwriting is horrid).

    It is great that you are worried about your studies. with hard work you can get that gpa you want and even more. Most colleges look at grade 9 and up, but if you have high school credit courses this year, you should go ahead and start taking everything seriously. Remember it is okay to have other interests outside of school. If you like sports still take the time to play. It will help you with your school work when you know you can do something you enjoy afterward.

    I just wanted to note that unless you are talking to your friends on IMs, you should practice writing professionally. It really carries over to your other aspects of life.

    Gah!!!! do not save studying for the night before the test! it may work for some people, but it does not go to long term memory- where you want it to go. so many classes in college build upon what you learn in high school. It is important to remember as much as you can.

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