
Any hints on how to stop cockatoos from yelling so loudly???

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I may be answering my own question - but , well, I know they need a LOT of attention and they get very little now that I have a one year old... They're good all day, but when it's night time - they yell! a lot! I don't want them waking my baby up and I've tried new toys, covers, etc... nothing seems to work........




  1. If you've been covering them every night then I don't know why they're so loud.  Covering them is the only thing that will make them be quiet.  Sorry.

  2. I am a founder of a bird sanctuary in NC.

    Birds Scream for attention most of the time. In your case if you have more than one and they have been spending a lot more time with one another rather than you like in the past, they are probably turning to instinct.  In the wild they call their flock to safety at night. it should last only a few minutes if that.

    If this is not the case and it is increasing, it may be the result of wanting attention. Be careful they don't turn to plucking or mutilation, because those habits that are difficult to treat.

    If this has already started you will want to contact a person in your area possibly a rescue, only because rescues get all the birds that have behavioral issues.  The birds would still be in their original homes if this were not the case, agree? I would hope you would get a lot of useful information from them.

    For free veterinarian advice you can try a link like Dr. Burkett online at the Birdie Boutique. Do a google search and it will come up. This advice does not replace a vet visit of course, and he can't diagnose stuff online for obvious reasons. But he is our sanctuary vet and we trust his advise.

    There are additional information your should include such as what type of Cockatoo, Moluccan, Goffin, Umbrella, etc.,

    their age, a picture of the cage, and they type of food your bird consumes on a regular diet.

    This will greatly help your vet. or behavioral specialist.

    If the birds started this behavior after your child was birds this could also be an additional concern. I have seen some pretty good injuries usually to the parent due to jealousy. I'm sure thats of no comfort.

    Recently I convinced an outreach case of ours with a Moluccan that almost succeeded in suicide, to purchase a second cage, change her diet, fill her cage with toys, changing out regularly, and adding foraging toys. with a radio of happy music, (nothing depressing) also jazz was soothing she seemed to like when they left her alone.This gave her two environments. A day one and a night one. She enjoyed going to different places, and the organic pellet diet helped her depression. In her case she was going through puberty and she was having a very difficult time adjusting.

    Today she is alive, well and much happier.

    In conclusion, You will however, NEVER be able to change your birds voice. It is what it is. There are additional methods to improve their behavior and how they respond as a result of your effort to continue to search and learn.

    Just remember, if it seems like advice given by someone, seems harsh or abusive, trust your instinct. It probably is.

    I hope this helped.

  3. I've heard nine millimeters work pretty well.... just kidding.

    Why don't you check with your pet store?

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