
Any holiday tips for Vietnam and Cambodia?

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We plan to visit Vietnam and Cambodia for August. We only plan to book flights. Can anyone suggest a 20 day itinerary of what to see.




  1. It's a sad place for western Paedophiles, I hope you are not going there for that.

  2. no, but take an M16 with you.Bandit country.

  3. bring gary glitter a present!

  4. Hey! I'm currently in Taiwan, I would've of liked to go to Vietnam and Camboida but I'm too skint!

    Have you got your hands on the 'South East Asia on a Shoestring' yet? That's a good starting point.

    If you want to get some good answers off seasoned travellers then I suggest you visit the first link below. The second is for Rough Guides.

    Good luck

    Have a great time!

  5. just click onto  "Dicover,resolved questions"  in this category.. similar questions are asked weekly.. and there are a number or great responses.... PS whats your budget, are you a "tourist " or a "traveler" do you like sightseeing or adventure ?.. give us a clue of "who you are ... there is much to you like beach or mts?, do you like shopping for souveneirs?..i have a friend who goes and stays in places like the flash "Rex " hotel for $300 a night... and he chastises me for taking the back pack rout....lotta ways to go there..0k i read your addtion... get yourself a copy of "lonley planet"[ south east asia] all you need to know is in there.

  6. enjoy ur trip

  7. i spent a few days in hanoi last year its brill

    try an overhight trip to ho long bay excellent scenery

    best not to book trips b4 u go, its so much cheaper booking with the locals, most hotels have a little travel agent built in

    take both dong and us dollars as currency most take both but ull get respect if u pay little things in dong, but make sure u spend it all as u cant change it back

    ull soon learn they have a very diff green cross code too


    people will b as friendly as anywhere even tho they probs wont speak english

    have fun

  8. Carry bullet proof jacket

  9. I have been to Cambodia and the North of Vietnam.

    Vietnam is so friendly, beautiful and great value for the dollar. I love the place. I recommend you go there.

    Cambodia is for a seasoned traveler. Siem Reap is amazing with the Angkor Wat ruins, but it is touristy.

    Pnom Penh is a tough visit though. The war only ended about 15 years ago and the recovery has been amazing, but the shadows of the war are prevalent. The most obvious being the amputees and then the fact that you see no old people.

    Check out the vehicles there. If you have had a car, truck, or SUV stolen, you just might see it drive by there.

  10. my friend has just got back from travelling round thailand, vietnam and cambodia, leave me your email addy and ill get back to you!

  11. DON'T go in a B52 !

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